Tag Archives: Addiction

Which Type Of Rehab Is Most Suitable For Drug Addiction Recovery

Most of us have encountered the fatal lure of drugs. Some of us have managed to completely steer clear of them. But most of us fell for drugs and the most unfortunate amongst us developed an addiction that we can’t get rid of without help from professionals. As the concerned authorities battle the menace through administrative and law enforcement measures, we have to fight our personal battles against this problem.

If you have a drug or alcohol problem, one of the things that you should bear in mind is the importance of having faith in yourself. Shawn Clusky, of Pike County in Kentucky, fell prey to OxyContin when he was seventeen. He has traveled the long and arduous path of being an addict and peddler to becoming a person who helps others with drug addiction recovery and alcohol addiction recovery. However, this did not happen without professional intervention. He spent some time at a rehab center and is now so confident that he can assist others to deal with their addictions.

If someone you love needs proper alcohol addiction recovery or drug addiction recovery; you should get in touch with the right rehab center. However, there is one thing that you should bear in mind. Rehab centers charge a lot for their services. Therefore, there are many rehab centers mushrooming in every state. Many of these centers do not have professionals who are really capable of ensuring either drug addiction recovery or alcohol addiction recovery. Therefore, you should choose a rehab center with a lot of care to ensure that your loved one is in the right hands.

When you are searching for a rehab center, make enquires about whether they provide a one size fits all treatment or whether they always give special attention to all their patients. The reason why people become addicted to the substances they abuse is not identical for everybody. And the most effective manner in which people ought to give up different types of drugs is also not identical. Therefore, it is important that professionals design unique treatment plans for each patient.

A rehab center should not merely enable the patient to deal with their addiction problem. They should also enable the patients to regain their health through fitness enhancing programs. Choose a rehab center that provides drug addiction recovery and alcohol addiction recovery treatment properly and you’ll not have to worry about the addiction problem any more.

Not sure which drug and alcohol recovery center will be the best you? Take a look at the facilities offered by The River Source Holistic Drug and Alcohol Treatment Center, and you’ll have no doubt in your mind that they’ll provide the best value for your money.

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Addiction to drugs and the remedial measures

Whenever it comes to the problem of drug addiction the first thing that comes in our mind is that there is no way out of it. And when you notice someone of your close friends or someone of your family members are under evil influence of drug addiction then the first thing you feel is to feel sorry for him or her. And then the next is to search for a remedial measure to get him or her out of this danger. Now the fact is that drug addiction is not a disease that can be cured in just a couple of days as the problem or the habit the addiction for drugs does not grow within a few days. Therefore, the remedial measures that you seek to get rid of this problem can never be a few days’ matter. Often it is a long process and even sometimes can take years to get completely cured of drug addiction. The most common and the best effect method to get rid of this problem is to seek help from some drug rehab center and with the help of their several drug rehab programs the problem of drug addiction can be solved. But while choosing an affordable drug rehab center a very special thing that should always be kept in mind is that to see whether the center is providing complete care or not including both physical and psychological treatment. This is a thing that should be given proper emphasis as drug addiction is not only a physical problem but the psychology and the mental health of the addicted person is too deeply linked with it as well.

However, the most important thing that matters for the success or the failure of the Drug Addiction Detox is the will of the patient himself. It is really a tough job when the patient himself is not willing to give up his drug addiction. It is a fact that drug addiction cannot be get rid of with the application of force. And therefore the progress is often slower. But if the addict is willing from his heart to give up his addiction to drugs then the task becomes much easier and then the improvements can seen much faster. Therefore your will power is the main thing behind your recovery and the more you can help and cooperate the better help you can get from the drug rehab centers. However the choice of the Los Angeles Rehab can offer a good deal of help in this respect for the better treatment of the addiction problems.

When you can get such a drug rehab center you can easily rely on them that they shall provide as much help as possible to get their client out of the drug addiction. It is a true fact that the treatment for drug addiction is not very much easy. For that reason most of the good drug rehab centers are situated in fine location and provides several facilities like personal trainer in our fully-equipped gym, gourmet chef, luxurious private bedrooms, designer furnishings and above all caring professional staffs. These luxuries and the facilities helps a lot in making the patients feel more comfortable so that the procedures of the treatment can be conducted in a much easier way.

Seek the aid of Drug Rehabilitation California or Rehab In Los Angeles to get the best help with Young Adult Drug Rehab.

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Alcoholism and Drug Addiction are Family Diseases

 Addiction and alcoholism are not just a matter of curing the addict or alcoholic, the family also needs to acknowledge their pain and get help.

As Al-Anon states, families and friends are relieved and surprised when they learn they didn’t cause the alcoholism, they can’t cure it and they can’t control it.

The family with an alcoholic or substance abuser becomes dysfunctional and falls into chaos and crisis. It is no longer a healthy vibrant system. As the substance abuse progresses the family also becomes unwell: socially, financially, mentally, emotionally and even physically – with poor health resulting from various stress-related issues.

Spiritually there is a loss of hope and an end to contentment. Family members are unable to separate the illness from the person they love, so there is conflict between loving the substance abuser and holding them in contempt. An environment of trust, courtesy, respect, love and kindness is replaced with one of suspicion, fear, betrayal, depression and resentment.

Co-dependency develops as a response to the chaotic conditions in the family of the alcoholic/drug addict and produces unhealthy patterns of relating and behavior. Often co-dependents develop compulsions of their own and a loss of control very similar to that of the substance abuser.

Dysfunctional emotions, thinking and reactions between family members and the alcoholic or drug addict begin as coping mechanisms to help the family survive as they start experiencing deep emotional pain, but these soon become self-defeating. Co-dependency patterns may include controlling, perfectionism, repression of emotions, oppressive rules, a lack of true intimacy, and behavioral addictions, such as overworking, overspending, overeating, religiosity, etc.

Families with members suffering drug addiction or alcoholism also have patterns of denial. They fail to acknowledge the extent or progression of the problem. Types of denial include anger, blame, minimizing the problem, excuses, evasion and deflection. Denial blinds the alcoholic or substance abuser and their family from recognizing the truth.

Enabling is a common response to addiction that takes many forms. It allows the alcoholic or drug addict to avoid the consequences of his or her substance abuse and behavior. The enabler is a friend or family member who tries to help the alcoholic or drug addict and who will lie for and rescue the substance abuser or alcoholic from various calamities. While the enabler may think he or she is helping the person with an addiction the opposite is true. Enablers allow the disease of addiction to progress to more acute levels.

I believe the client’s recovery is contingent on their family’s recovery. That’s why treatment should include educational and family group therapy sessions. In this safe environment both the addict/alcoholic and the family can be given an opportunity to begin the healing of the sometimes catastrophic consequences of their substance abuse.

Self-care and the care of other family members must become the priority. Don’t allow the family life to be overshadowed by the negativity of addiction. Alcoholism and drug addiction can cause isolation, guilt and shame. By breaking the cycle of silence and denial both the addict or alcoholic and their loved ones can begin to understand, release shame and process bottled-up feelings. They learn that everyone is responsible – no one is to blame.

Family members need to realize that they need help regardless of the addict’s or alcoholic’s commitment to recovery. They can begin by focusing on their own pain, learning about the disease and detaching from the alcoholic or drug addict with love.

I am constantly amazed by the reconciliation and healing that families experience when they reach out for help.

– Sharon Jackson

You should know that there is a substance abuse treatment that can effectively deal with this condition and it can be found in drug treatment center. If a sufferer will enroll to a drug rehab program, it will lead for a more efficient approach towards the condition.

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Stabilizing Procedures In Drug Addiction Rehab Centers

The detoxification program is enough to stabilize the addict physically because the body releases the toxins and establishes a basic recovery state from where they can support the other procedures of treatment. The goals of this stabilization processes is to ensure that the clients can restrain themselves from the use of the drug in the future. It should also motivate the participants to continue with the treatment sessions. During the procedure the physicians evaluate the progress of their treatment from time to time.

Significant psychopathological treatments are also continued within the addiction rehab. The programs provide the patients with the necessary education to support themselves outside the facility when the treatment procedure finishes. Detoxification phase lasts for about 2 weeks. This is not the end. The patients then have to learn abstinence procedures. During this stage the patients are brought into contact with the treatment counselor from time to time. On a one-on-one session with the counselor the addicts discuss the issues triggering their use.

They stabilize their craving by learning to forget and forgive the instances, which have brought forth the problem. They create a list of their moral inventory and engage them to change the negatives attributes within them. This should be continued as long as the patients are not completely being able to take the right decision for them. Outside the facility, the society is neither so much forgiving nor it has the proper disciplinary environment like the facility itself.

It is important to focus on the issues and the situation that would be common. Their might be friends who the patients have to avoid or events which they have to face and yet learn to say ‘no’ to use of the drug. Over and above the patients are also engaged to group meeting which are headed by the counselor. The counselor must see that the client participating in the group meetings are able to deliver well within the group meeting with the hypothetical situations.

Monitoring and discussing the issues close to their heart and which triggers the use can bring certain solutions. This would ensure that even after the addicts are outside the addiction rehab, they can stay away and enjoy a full life. It is only possible if they engage in different activities and put themselves in association to different community services which satisfy them. For financial independence the addicts must look for a job. This is sometimes provided by the treatment center. They have counselors who are well suited to provide part-time and fulltime jobs for their clients. Encouraging clients to participate in self-help programs provides answers to the the client’s questions about the philosophy of treatment and life, which is important.

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Drug Addiction May Differ Dependent on Occupation?

Drug addiction and substance abuse are serious topics in today’s busy world.  From addictions to prescription medications to just plain dangerous alcohol and intravenous addictions, there are a large group of individuals struggling out there.  With respects to drug addiction, it has been recorded that specific occupations are housing several of the same drug and substance addictions.  In exploring addiction as a logic, it is sometimes easier to understand what a friend, family member of spouse is going through in their own addiction to a particular substance.

It often does not matter if an individual starts out highly successful or somewhere at the bottom of life’s food chain – all people have the ability to latch on to the abuse of a drug.  Here are some of the largest occupations that house specific addictions to particular drugs or substances:

Police Officers:  Even as protectors of our rights and safety, police officers have the ability to become addicted to a harmful substance just the same as any other citizen.  According to research that projected the information of a large majority of police officers in the United States, over eighty-eight percent of all officers consume alcohol on a monthly basis.  Amongst these officers, over twenty-five percent have claimed that they are dependent on alcohol because of the high levels of stress their occupation projects.

Doctors and Physicians:  In the later portion of 2003 these providers of health were interviewed and questioned to generate a substance abuse reporting system.  Although the information was anonymous, it was stated that over twelve percent of physicians were experiencing a substance abuse addiction.  Mostly opiates were reported from doctors in this study, but benzodiazepines were a close runner up.

It was also reported that Emergency Room physicians under large doses of stress, and submitted to depressing situations revolving around death, experienced the greater addictions.  In having to witness consistent traumatic disorders, one physician stated on his anonymous report, “I don’t know how to handle the death and discomfort I see in others from day to day.”

Firemen & Firewomen:  Reporting the same cases of over-stressed situations at work, as well as problems dealing with traumatic events, firefighters were reported in 2003 (Boxer and Wild) of having physiological distress in over forty percent of the subjects.  In a little under half of all firepersons tested, having and holding this stress, approximately thirty percent were said to have major substance abuse issues in relation to alcohol.

Each occupation has its lists of stressors and daily issues that have to be dealt with in a healthy manor.  No matter what particular occupation you find yourself in, there is always a drug and alcohol rehabilitation center  or residential treatment center ready and willing to assist with your addiction.  Seeking help is only one of many further steps one must take on the road to recovery.  But no one should have to deal with the recovery process alone.  Seek help in your area today, no matter what your occupation, or what your situation.

About the Author: Robert Shryoc is the Director of Development at the Stonegate Center, a Texas treatment center. The Texas drug rehab community serves people entangled in the physical, mental, social and spiritual bonds of chemical dependency. For more information about the residential treatment facility please visit http://www.stonegatecenter.com


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Drug or Alcohol Detox and Addiction

A new study published in the latest issue of the New England Journal of Medicine finds that babies born addicted to drugs because of their mother’s addiction to opioids may be weaned more comfortably if the mother gets a new treatment during pregnancy. The babies would then stay in the hospital for less time and their treatment would cost less money.

Dr. Peter Martin, the director of the Division of Addiction Psychiatry at Vanderbilt University in Nashville, discovered that buprenorphine is on par with methadone, when both drugs were given as part of opioid addiction treatment to pregnant women.

“The baby comes into the world addicted to what the mother was taking,” said Martin. “And everyone who comes in touch with these unfortunate babies realizes that they are very uncomfortable and incessantly restless.”

The results of the study indicated that the babies of mothers who received buprenorphine compared to methadone during pregnancy needed significantly less morphine to cope with their withdrawal symptoms experienced soon after birth.

“From this study we can say that both the mothers and the babies did equally well taking buprenorphine or methadone. However, we demonstrated a significant improvement above the standard of care in important outcomes in the babies of mothers who received buprenorphine during the pregnancy compared to those who were administered methadone,” said Martin.

The study claims that the new treatment options should lower the medical and public health costs connected to neonatal treatment of opioid addicition. That cost is estimated at anywhere from $ 70.6 million to $ 112.6 million dollars each year.

At The Treatment Center, our passion is, simply, you. Our mission is to restore you and your families hope. We exist because we feel strongly about helping people overcome their drug or alcohol addictions in a safe, medically supervised and supportive environment. Our primary job is to help you get sober – and stay sober – restoring your hope in yourself and your future.

The Treatment Center is different than other substance abuse treatment providers – we’re prepared to stand beside you every step of the way in your recovery process.

That’s why we offer a full range of services – all in one location – to ensure that your healing can proceed without disruption:

• Full medical detoxification program;
• Inpatient drug and alcohol rehabilitation;
• Treatment of dual diagnosis and co-occurring disorders;
• Partial hospitalization program (PHP);
• Intensive outpatient program (IOP)

For more information about alcohol or drug problems, call us 24 hours a day, 7-day per week at 888-598-3342

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Understanding alcohol addiction recovery with energy medicine

Alcohol addiction recovery with energy medicine could be a matter of debate for medical science but the results tell a different story. People with alcohol addiction found this rather new healing process to be most effective than the available alcohol addiction treatments whether it is counseling or joining an alcohol rehab center. Of late the medical community has also recognized the energy medicine as an effective healing technique for binge drinking and other alcohol dependency issues. Persons benefitted by energy healing maintain that they no longer have the desire to take alcohol. And this miracle is done without any counseling, pills or rehabilitation efforts.

Booze is a social abuse and also the root cause of many personal and family issues. It results in strained relations, depression, financial losses and moral degradation. People struggling to abstain from alcohol knock many doors including counselors, alcohol rehabilitation centers and even doctors. Traditional methods no doubt help in alcohol addiction recovery but the effects of conventional medicine don’t last long. Simply put, an alcohol addict abstains from whisky until he is under the influence of the counselor or the medicine prescribed by a medical practitioner. As soon as the patient comes out of the influence, he feels the intense desire of having alcohol. And this time he drinks more than he used to prior to the treatment.

People taking recourse to binge drinking once the treatment is over is the cause of concern for counselors and alcohol rehab centers. The treatment can’t go for the whole life. So what should be the ideal solution for this tricky issue of alcohol addicts returning back to the bar after abstaining alcohol for the treatment period? The answer lies in the killing the desire for having alcohol or resolution by the alcohol addict that he won’t take alcohol anymore. This is where traditional medicine fails and energy medicine wins. ,b>Alcohol addiction recovery with energy healing is forever.

There are many instances when alcohol addicts have reported to benefitted by new Alcohol addiction recovery process. The energy doctor stimulates the desire to abstain from alcohol and also generates the power within the body to kill the temptation for alcohol. The energy doctor interacts with body and mind. People need alcohol to compensate the energy deficit in the body. But when the body has ample energy, there is no desire for any external material whether it is alcohol or tobacco.

Reed Boltmann is an expert who helps people learns the most effective way to get the highest power, attain instant enlightenment and the sanctity of inner peace. The author also assists them get rid of their stress, anxiety and self-sabotaging behaviors. For More Information Please Visit,Alcohol addiction recovery.

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Drug Treatment Centers And Pain Medication Addiction

Local public and private drug treatment centers in Florida continue to be filled with people struggling with an addiction to prescription painkillers. At Hillsborough County’s public drug treatment center, there are 20 beds for people who volunteer, or are ordered by the court, to complete a four-day detox program.

The drug treatment center is run by the Agency for Community Treatment Services and has most of its beds filled by people who are addicted to opiates.

“If they’re 40 or under, it’s going to be opiates,” said Michael Strolla, the assistant medical director of the drug treatment center.

Most of the patients at the drug treatment center had legitimate pain before they became addicted to the opiates. They tell the story of failed attempts at physical therapy, massage and acupuncture before they acknowledged they were addicted to the pain pills.

“It’s a common story,” said Strolla. “These people, most of them, truly thought they were doing the right thing after tweaking their back or getting injured.”

There are about 70 pain clinics in Hillsborough County and 35 in the Tampa area. According to Bruce Grant, the director of the state Office of Drug Control, there are about 1,000 pain clinics registered in Florida. On October 1, new state laws went into effect making it more difficult to register and operate pain clinics in Florida. The pain clinics are now subject to inspections by state regulators and could be closed if they are not in compliance. A statewide drug monitoring program may also help stem the rising tide of prescription drug abuse.

“I’ve lost 16 friends in three years,” said Lindsay Roberts, a paralegal at a Tampa law firm. “I’ve lost so many people to the same thing. I’m to the point where I can’t cry anymore. I’m just angry.”

At The Treatment Center, our passion is, simply, you. Our mission is to restore you and your families hope. We exist because we feel strongly about helping people overcome their drug or alcohol addictions in a safe, medically supervised and supportive environment. Our primary job is to help you get sober – and stay sober – restoring your hope in yourself and your future.

The Treatment Center is different than other substance abuse treatment providers – we’re prepared to stand beside you every step of the way in your recovery process.

That’s why we offer a full range of services – all in one location – to ensure that your healing can proceed without disruption:

• Full medical detoxif

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Addiction and Recovery – Preventing Relapse After Surgery

You are ultimately responsible for your own addiction recovery.  When you know that you have to have surgery, it is important to keep everyone treating you informed about your recovery and addiction history, including the names of the drugs, the amounts, the lengths of time that you took them, and your last use.  You are responsible for asking a lot of questions of the treatment team.  Questions like the following are appropriate:  “How long will surgery take?”  “What is the procedure and what will it entail?”  What kinds of anesthesia will be administered?”  “How long will I need pain medications after surgery?”  “What kinds of pain medications do you usually prescribe for post-op?”  “What kinds of different choices for pain medications are available to recovering addicts who are concerned about having their addiction triggered?”  “What doctors will I be working with for post-op procedures and checkups?”  Make sure that all the medical professionals that you are working with understand that you are an alcoholic/addict in recovery.

Maintain complete honesty all the way through the process.  If you are scared, say it.  If you are given a medication that has a mood/mind altering effect, or has triggered some euphoric recall or craving, tell them.  Your feedback on how you are reacting each step of the way, can help inform your treatment in the most beneficial ways and additionally be most protective of your continuing recovery.

It is also crucial to be completely honest and communicative to those in your support network. When planning surgery, consult with your AA/NA friends of buddies who have already experienced what you are going through.  Talk to the old guys/gals in the group, even if you don’t normally hang out with them.  Ask them whether they have been through it or been witness to others going through it.  Ask for any recommendations that they may have.

Recovery wisdom encourages any recovering persons going through surgery to have as many “program” folks around him/her as possible for support.  This means having people in recovery doing a kind of “babysitting” with you, not around the clock, but “checking in and checking on”.  Be honest with them about what you are thinking, feeling, and doing.  When you feel lousy, you probably won’t want a lot of company.  Do it anyway.  This is when you need it most.

After you go home, you may still be on pain medications.  It is crucial that you give your pain medications to someone else to dispense to you.  This may be a spouse, a sponsor, a nursing service, but someone other than you should be in charge of the medications.  You may think that you are not vulnerable for relapse, since you feel confident.  Not wanting to relapse is insufficient to prevent relapse.  Giving control of the pain medications to someone else may bee feel completely unjustified and it may seem like an unnecessary step, especially in light of surrendering control to the medical professionals with surgery. 

Making it through surgery and post-op pain management is a major challenge to your continued recovery.  It takes a lot of awareness and utilization of recovery skills that yoiu may just be beginning to develop.  To maintain recovery, give the meds to someone who will not give in to your anger and frustration.  They should make sure that they know exactly what the prescription directions say and whether there is any leeway in dosing.  Addicts often hear something other than what the doctor or pharmacist says about doses.  Or the fear of the pain may drive dishonest behavior.

More than the physical response to surgery drives the perception of pain.  It is very easy to get into a circular pattern when the pain creates anxiety or fear, which leads to more pain and tension and the need for more medication.  The body craving medication can create emotional or psychological symptoms as well as an increased perception of pain, which drives the need for more pain medications. 

Remember too, that mind/mood altering medications drug your thinking and feeling as well as your physical body.  An example would be distorted beliefs about the motives of others.  If you think that you are in pain because the treatment team is ignoring your needs, you will probably feel angry and frustrated.  Your communication of that anger and frustration may be acted out if you are not proficient at appropriate expression and management of emotions.  You might argue with the spouse who is administering your pain medications.  If you distrust the motives or knowledge of the doctor or nursing staff, you may feel justified in manipulating them for more (or different) drugs. 

The more the psychological or emotional turmoil associated with the pain, the more the tendency to act it out, producing more turmoil, which can be experienced as more pain, and increased need for drugs. This turns into a self-reinforcing circular pattern.

This sounds complicated.  In fact, when you stay honest and talk about your experiences, physical and emotional, from the beginning, you are better able to identify the thoughts you are having about pain, the emotions attached to it, and to move from acting out feelings, to working through them, asking for help, and practicing effective relapse prevention.  This whole description applied to the short term recovery period after surgery.  For chronic pain issues or long term recovery necessitating mind altering drugs over an extended period of time, it is even more complicated.

If you or someone you love anticipates surgery and is fearful of the effect that it may have on his/her/your recovery, there are other information resources available to help navigate those dangerous waters. You are welcome to use the resources that you may find on my website at * http://www.peggyferguson.com. There are a number of recovery articles and a “Recommended Readings” page. On the “Links” page, there are other websites listed that could also be helpful to you.

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Drug Rehabilitation Center – A Solution to Addiction

In the past, drug addiction has been stigmatized, but the success of the many drug rehabilitation centers in treating addicts has shed a new light on the world of addiction. A drug rehabilitation center is a facility designed to help people who wish to recover from drug addiction. Casual drug users can easily lose control over their drug intake and become addicted. In a drug rehab center the addict can find a friendly and soothing environment with counseling facilities and treatments designed to help him or her recover from addiction.

The treatments provided in a drug rehabilitation center include in-patient and out-patient recovery programs that are devised to give aid to people who are in need of it. These centers treat both the physical and psychological dependency of the addict. The main focus of such centers is to help the person quit drugs permanently. Regular counseling sessions and therapeutic treatments bring about great changes in the person as he or she treads the path of recovery.

The counselors and therapists are trained in treating addiction and work with different patients in unique ways so that their individual needs can be met with specialized treatments. The treatment is carried out using medications as well cognitive and behavioral therapies. The patients who reside in the centers are allowed out for organized outings and excursions so that they feel less confined.

Anyone suffering from such an addiction should enroll in a specialized drug rehabilitation center to regain a happy, healthy and useful life.

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