Tag Archives: Addiction

Drug Addiction a threat to innocent lives

thereby completely ruining one’s life. It also provokes him to commit various crimes as it becomes easier for criminals to blackmail them on the basis of drugs. So it has become a necessity in the society to introduce different programs to eradicate it completely in order to save their dark future and also to stop the vicious activities.

Drug Rehab Treatments

Drug rehab facilities introduce certain programs which aim at enabling the patient to get rid of abuse. In such programs alcohol addicted patients are helped by counseling them psychologically or by drug free programs. Public and private treatments are applied to the victims so that they could be freed from various addiction types. Expert medical teams are available. Each patient is treated with extreme care and attention. Initially patients are properly analyzed by authorized doctors who design them their treatments.

Proper Atmosphere

Drug rehab facilities also provide a healthy environment like mental support, natural playgrounds, medical facilities, comfortable accommodation etc for their better mental growths. They have spacious and open green gardens with trees, blossoming flowers and swimming pools with natural beauty and peaceful atmosphere for recovery process. Today’s prospering youth who are our future, rehab centers provide them with boarding facilities which is a great help to them.

Rehab Centers: easy affordable by all classes

Drug rehab facilities are now available all over the world to the alcoholic patients. If you are in the search of these you can avail any of the drug rehab centers across the world. Services offered by the Christian rehab centers can be easily affordable. Beside there are many drug rehab facilities which are funded by the state providing numerous financial options to the victims (especially teens).But there are also people who cannot afford any of such facilities. In their case the centers provide special attentions and recommends remedies in order to solve their addiction problems. Alcoholic Rehabilitation Centers provide people with awareness about the ill effects of drug and alcohols. The centers are equipped with advanced technologies and better methods of treatment with experienced doctors and specialized doctors who help the victims to increase their willpower and slowly give up their addiction.

The prime objective of these centers is to reduce the dependency of patients towards drug thereby offering them a secure future and turn their path to better prospects of life. They also aim at making the world a beautiful and worthy place to leave at. If any of your family member or friend has fallen a prey to such an intoxicating malady them such rehab centers are definitely helpful bring them here. Within a week you will find improvements through better organized treatments and scientific methods. The rehab centers might not assure complete recovery but certainly they can turn the patient to the path of recovery.

Jimmy Jones’s articles are really helpful to gain more knowledge on Drug Rehab  If you want to enhance your knowledge on this please visit drugrehab-treatment.com

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Signs Of Drug Addiction And Alcoholism

When you suspect any of your loved ones of drug addiction or alcoholism and before you take up your decision of getting him or her admitted to addiction treatment

centers, you would like to make sure whether he or she is truly addicted. For that you need to watch out form the signs of drug addiction and alcoholism.

Common Signs of Addiction

There are some common signs you can look out for before you call up Pennsylvania Drug and Alcohol Rehab for help. The first sign you should look for is the change in

behavior of the person. A person abusing or addicted to drugs will be less social, friends circle will be drastically changed, gets annoyed easily, frequent mood

swings, begin stealing and lying, drop in academic or professional performances, etc. It is also generally observed that addicts are prone to mood swings and there is

a huge tendency of him making excuses to go out at odd hours.

One can also make sure whether a person is addicted or not by looking for visible change in the type of things the person uses or keeps in his room. Addicts generally

invent ideas of using their drugs and these are often easy to recognize. You should keep watch for things such as razor blade, blackened spoon, peculiar pipes,

syringes, rolled up dollar bills, aluminum foil, needles, rubber bands, cotton balls, cigars, petroleum based adhesive, etc. You should also look for hiding spots such

as rolled up sleeves of shirt, coin pockets, hollow pens, cracks, behind doors and windows frames, etc. Once you are sure that your loved one is addicted, you can call

addiction treatment centers and take their help.

Here are some specific addiction warning signs based on types of drugs:

warning signs of heroin abuse or addiction includes drowsiness, dry mouth, runny nose, bloodshot red eyes or constricted pupils, clumsiness, frequent sniffling, scars

and bruises on skin, etc.

Addiction or abuse warning signs for Ecstasy are like clenching teeth, depression, insomnia, tremors and fluctuating body temperature.

Cocaine abuse or addiction warning signs include excessive sweating, bloodshot eyes, excessive weight loss, frequent mood swings, dilated pupils, runny nose, declined

sexual activity, alienation from family, lack of interest in family and social matters, etc.

Person taking Oxycontin breathes slowly and heavily, they have tiny pupils, generally are confused and appear to be drunk.

Signs include, paranoia, insomnia, teeth decay, dilated pupils, acne and excessive talking.

person abusing or addicted to inhalants have pale bluish skin, they usually suffer from nose bleeding, rash around nose and mouth, weight loss, loss of appetite, etc.

characteristics of alcoholics include incapability of carrying their body, inability to speak properly, irritability, vomiting and unacceptably inappropriate behavior.

If you see such kind of signs in any of your loved ones, you should take the help of rehab professionals and get addiction recovery treatment from any of the addiction

treatment centers. Rehabilitation is the only way to recover oneself from addiction and alcoholism.

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First step towards addiction recovery is detox!

There are various factors which lead to getting a person addicted the various drugs and alcohol. But only one factor leads them to get out of this mess and that crucial factor is the willingness or longing to quitting this addiction and to lead a sober life. Many people do so for their loved ones, many do so for themselves. Whatever the reason be, to face the uneasiness for denying body the pleasure it is used to may cause tremendous pain in body, requires lot of courage and a very strong will power. It needs lot of determination and courage to put your body through the painful experience. Apart from these personal factors, external factors such as expert guidance, well equipped rehab, personal monitoring during recovery, individualistic recovery treatment, following approach during recovery and the most important to reform the thinking pattern of the newly sober to refrain from going back the addiction are the basic and most significant things one should look for while finding a right rehab. Nowadays most of the rehabs follow these guidelines and offer compassionate and sophisticated recovery treatment to their clients.

Right after admitting into a rehab an evaluation process, to measure the intensity of the addiction is carried out. Based on the outcome of these evaluations, the medical experts draft a personalized recovery plan for the addicts. The very fundamental and primary goal of those professionals is to get the toxins out of the body, so that the drugs can be effective in fighting against the cravings and foreign substances. Getting the toxins out of the body is called detoxification. As the name suggest, it detoxifies the body. This term does not limit itself to removal of toxins from human body, but it may also include the withdrawal period, caused due to denying the body the usual substance, to which the body is addicted.

In conventional medicine, detoxification can be achieved by decontamination of poison ingestion and the use of antidotes as well as techniques such as dialysis and (in a very limited number of cases) Chelating therapy. Many alternative medicine practitioners promote various other types of taking the poisonous substances out such as “diet detoxification,” but there is little evidence that such methods have any health benefits. Most of the rehabs follow sophisticated drug detox methods. Alcohol detox gives a proper platform to impart recovery treatment. These methods help in getting the body cleansed and conditions it for a better sustainability.

For more information please visit: http://www.soberliving.com/resources/alcohol-drug-detox

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Rational Recovery Meetings And Addiction Issues

Rational Recovery meetings (RR meetings) are no longer held by the RR group since the organization re-evaluated their trademark Addictive Voice Recognition Technique (AVRT), a patented technique which emphasizes self-recovery from addiction. Instead of holding recovery programs in group settings, RR now focuses on being a worldwide resource for counseling, guidance, and instruction on self-recovery from drug addiction plus other addiction. Through Rational Recovery’s AVRT, the goal for each individual struggling with addiction emphasizes permanent abstinence through careful planning.

The Rational Recovery organization used to hold group meetings for those who were going through AVRT-based recovery. The program, despite no longer being held in a group setting, continues to be a comprehensive addiction remedy wherein people are focused on acheiving recovery. The goals include shortest time possible for improvement, regardless of age, drug of choice, previous failed attempts at rehabilitation, and the presence of other personal problems.

During Rational Recovery group meetings, participants would use AVRT to demonstrate that—in terms of addiction to drugs and other substances—the thought always precedes the end act. Members would discuss how they used AVRT to recognize tell-tale signs of craving cycles, and would share about how to directly combat their inclinations.

Aside from focusing on AVRT-based group discussions, these RR meetings would encourage participants to renew their commitments to permanent abstinence. This was guided by a principle of unconditional self-acceptance (as opposed to the self-rating used in other types of programs) and the Rational-Emotive Therapy of Albert Ellis, Ph.D. (RET was a self-help method based on practical application and focused on how to control depression, fear, shame, anger, and guilt.)

Each meeting would affirm these essentials components of the RR program. However, as the organization progressed, RR began to emphasize that AVRT on its own was an effective method for ending addictive cravings. When combined with RET, both components worked together toward recovery—without the need for a group setting.

There are no longer Rational Recovery group meetings presently. This is because in AVRT-based recovery, the focus is on the individual’s ability for self-recovery. In principle, the concept is not compatible with the group format. This is unlike aa or na meetings where group support is seen as an important part of the recovery and maintenance process.

In summary, AVRT-based recovery empowers recovering addicts to battle self-doubt. It is self-doubt, in fact, which RR believes is the reason people seek a group format or setting. AVRT-based recovery is not dependent on attending Rational Recovery meetings with psychologists and fellow recovering addicts; rather, it’s success is measured when a person successfully battles his self-doubt and is empowered to strive for abstinence.

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Energy medicine supports quick alcohol addiction recovery

When talking about a new Alcohol addiction recovery method, people assume that it should be a latest invention like some medicine or injection or some NGO must be starting its rehabilitation center for alcoholic people. Until now, people knew that only medicines, counseling and rehabilitation could relieve from the iron grip of alcohol addiction. But little do they know about the new energy treatment that is talk of the town and even medical community acknowledges the benefits of energy treatment. Many alcohol addicts have been benefitted by this specific treatment which involves no medicine, counseling or rehabilitation. This is simply amazing. Isn’t it?

People treated with this new method have a history of binge. Some of them even had undergone some kind of treatment in order to get rid of the alcohol abuse but all went in vain. Then they were introduced to energy treatment which they were reluctant to start. They were of the view that when medicines can’t help then how this energy treatment can support alcohol addiction recovery. Their assumption proved wrong and today they are leading a normal life free of alcohol. The energy treatment is a boon for alcohol addicts and this is proved beyond doubt.

Traditional medicine and rehabilitation methods force the person to abdicate alcohol. These methods rely more on person’s will power rather than on the treatment. There is a time in a day when alcohol addicts feel intense craving for their favorite beverage. As long as they are in the rehab center or under the influence of the medicine, they suppress their desire. But once out into the free world, they prove weak before their craving and start drinking again. This is the main primary reason why alcohol addiction recovery with conventional methods has remained a tricky issue. Medicines and rehab centers put brakes on the drinking habit but they can’t treat the desire to drink.

However, an energy medicine doctor treats your desire to drink alcohol rather than tweaking your habit. Once the alcohol desire is eradicated, you will never drink alcohol again in your life. The energy doctor inspects the addict both from inside as well as outside to arrive at a decision. The Alcohol addiction recovery by energy treatment involves counseling which is positive in nature and guiding in behavior. Alcohol addicts find solace in energy counseling and feel confident enough to suppress their desire rather than drinking habit.

Reed Boltmann is an expert who helps people learns the most effective way to get the highest power, attain instant enlightenment and the sanctity of inner peace. The author also assists them get rid of their stress, anxiety and self-sabotaging behaviors.For More Information Please Visit,Alcohol addiction recovery.

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Alcohol addiction recovery by energy treatment

Alcohol addiction recovery has been a elusive issue for people grappling with this problem. Though there are counselors, alcohol rehabs and many other treatments available, nothing seems to help the alcoholic persons. Alcohol is a social menace which has devastated many lives and severed even blood bonds. Once caught in the grip of this liquid, people find it next impossible to stop drinking. They crave for whisky several times in a day and when stopped, they become violent and sabotage everything they have at hand. Sometimes their frustration drives them to take extreme step – suicide. There are instances when alcoholic person failed to withstand the craving and end his life to escape humiliation.

Where everything fails, prayer works. Energy medicine provides reliable alcohol addiction recovery program. No medicine to take, no shock therapy, no abstinence and no living in rehabilitation center. Energy medicine has helped over thirty thousand alcohol addicts from returning back to their normal life, free of alcohol obviously. If the stories of people treated with energy medicine are to be believed then the world has a sure way to treat alcohol addiction. The new way to liberty from alcohol is reliable, cost effective and doesn’t require the addicted person to remain under supervision.

The energy medicine doctor examines the alcoholic person both from inside and outside and then starts his treatment which is counseling. The energy doctor with the help of his special abilities detects the problem area and tells the patient about all that is happening within the patient’s body. This is a unique alcohol addiction recovery program in which the patient is made to understand what is good for his health and why he should abstain from the golden liquid which is called alcohol. Looking at the number of people benefitted from energy treatment, there remains little doubt that it can help people get rid of alcohol.

Medical science has also acknowledged the advantage of energy treatment. There are doctors who substantiate the claim made by energy doctors. They recommend this treatment to their patients. Energy treatment is becoming popular day by day. Alcohol has people of all ages in its strong grip. Men and women, young and adult and even elderly and old are fighting with alcohol. Now with the help of energy alcohol addiction recovery, it is easy for people to stop drinking alcohol. They can discover the energy within their body hence no need to rely on any external source for feeling empowered.

Reed Boltmann is an expert who helps people learns the most effective way to get the highest power, attain instant enlightenment and the sanctity of inner peace. The author also assists them get rid of their stress, anxiety and self-sabotaging behaviors.For More Information Please Visit,alcohol addiction recovery.

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Panic Attacks Treatment – Addiction to Recovery

Effective panic attacks treatment typically includes a limited number of techniques, often best used in combination. Unusual or rare causes, and therefore unusual cures to panic attacks are possible. Sometimes for example, a pharmaceutical drug may trigger panic attacks. Switching to a different drug may stop the panic. But most causes of panic attacks are common enough to make a limited number of techniques effective.

In most cases also, both physical and psychological causes may be assumed, with psychological treatments usually proving relatively more effective long term than physical ones such as drugs or nutritional supplements. Or in rare cases where the cause of panic attack is solely physical, a targeted physical solution may cure the panic, such as one individual for whom nothing but magnesium supplementation served to eliminate panic attacks.

I. Panic attack patterns are often like an addiction

A single panic attack may be isolated. It may not recur. But when a pattern of panic attacks develop, they may usually be considered to be like an addiction … although with panic attacks one is motivated by a strong desire to avoid more attacks (or some worse fear) rather than being tempted by a desirable object like alcohol or drugs. Granted also, alcohol, for example, may be consumed in order to avoid certain negative emotions. Panic attack sufferers may have an additional problem with addictive substances, just not necessarily so.

And unfortunately like a person with an addiction, the panic attack sufferer becomes controlled or strongly influenced by the addiction. By definition, panic is a fear that has gotten out of control. Between attacks, the sufferer’s behavior is controlled by fear of another attack. The sufferer avoids, sometimes going to great lengths to avoid whatever is perceived as a source or possible source of fear. Persons with agoraphobia, by way of illustration, are often unable to leave their house.

And panic attacks become like an addiction in that avoidance behaviors are characteristic. Avoidance behaviors can take many forms. Prescription drugs used to treat anxiety or depression, calming herbs and calming nutritional substances, relaxation techniques, and distractions from fear, as examples, may on the one hand be useful tools in calming the mind or harmful tools enabling the panic attack sufferer to continue in avoidance behaviors and in an addiction to avoiding bodily fear responses. The tools themselves are not bad, they usually just need to be used, if at all, as supplements in a larger strategy.

But then avoidance is not always a bad thing. For example, one ought to back away from a real, immediate hazard like falling out of an upper story window. Or those living with a heightened state of anxiety would do well to avoid the stimulant caffeine … not to mention for various reasons also alcohol and sugar. One would do well to avoid the stress of some jobs or, depending on individual sensitivities, a moldy lower floor or an area laced with industrial toxins or city pollution.

The kind of avoidance behaviors that typically mark panic attacks include for example a failure to engage in normal or formerly fun activities, day-to-day responsibilities, or appearing in public or in select social situations. When one would rather do anything than face panic, panic is in control.

And as is true of addictions, lack of control over panic may drive a person to denial, defensiveness, or depression. Admitting loss of control even to oneself is scary and often socially embarrassing. Admitting lack of control to oneself also seems a short cut to despair. And yes, panic attacks are horrible. Often really horrible. How is one ever to climb out of the hole?

II. Treating panic attacks as one treats an addiction

Possibly the most effective way to control panic attacks is usually to welcome rather than reject the panic sensations in one’s body. Invite the symptoms of fear to do more than they do. Rather than flee from the lion of panic, face it. Rather than avoid, confront. Avoidance empowers fear. Confrontation empowers self over fear.

But who wants to face the lion of panic? Not everyone. And facing panic is very painful and scary. Or one may be discouraged by past failed attempts to control panic attacks. Nor can one merely wish them out of existence.

But if many have overcome their panic, why not oneself? One need not one face one’s fears alone. Nor need one face them all at once. They can be broken down into small steps and faced with a counselor. it also helps to keep a diary of feelings. Over time, a diary helps one think in a more rational and controlled fashion. The more objective view of oneself observing oneself helps one feel more in control. Distracting oneself in order to exercise the feeling of sincere thankfulness helps calm one’s mind too.

There are substances that can be used occasionally or initially to reduce anxiety. Certain drugs, herbs, homeopathy or aromatherapy materials can be useful here. And good lifestyle activities strengthen one in the fight. Good sleep habits, regular exercise, deep and slow breathing exercises, a healthy diet, and even enjoyable hobbies may fit here. Such healthy “physical” treatments can be very important, even necessary additions to behavioral or psychological treatments.

If panic attacks are like common addictions in various ways, they can also be treated effectively like addictions.

Next, for more help and information on how to stop panic attacks, sign up for the free report and email mini-course at Panic-AttackRelief.com. The author is a long time health enthusiast interested in helping people overcome their anxiety and panic attacks.

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Relationships And Recovery From Addiction

Relationships in recovery can be a tricky thing. In fact, most people probably don’t realize it, but relationships are the number one problem when it comes to relapse. Nothing else has the same amount of power to create such turmoil in our lives.
Think about it your life is made up of nothing but relationships. If you were living on a deserted island, with no one else, your life would be very different indeed. At the very least, your level of stress would certainly be lower. This points out the true nature of relationships in our recovery they are both a blessing and a curse. They bring us great joy, but they can also cause us a lot of grief. As such, they must be handled with care and approached in an intelligent way.
There are essentially 3 types of relationships in your life one with yourself, one with your higher power, and one with a significant other. There are also dozens of other relationships in your life, such as with your coworkers or your friends, but those are the 3 big ones. Let’s take a look at them in more detail.
Relationship with yourself – This is the first relationship that you must cultivate and repair in early recovery, because it forms the basis for all other relationships. For most recovering addicts and alcoholics, this means forgiving yourself. What does this mean It means that you have to let go of all of the emotional baggage that you are carrying around with you and give yourself a break. Now that you’re in recovery you’re trying to do something different. You need to forgive yourself and allow yourself to live again.
Relationship with your higher power – Again, most addicts and alcoholics in early recovery need to do some work in this area. When we first get clean and sober, we are usually far removed from our connection with our higher power because we’ve been essentially ignoring God for so long. Getting back in touch with our spiritual side is critical for success in early recovery. There is a hierarchy here with relationship building. Start out by connecting with yourself and with your higher power, and this will lead to better relationships with others. As you get more in tune with your own spiritual side, your ability to connect and empathize with others will increase.
Relationship with your significant other – This can only flourish if you have nailed the other two relationships. In early recovery, there is a danger in rushing out and finding a new relationship with a significant other. The reason this is so dangerous is because a new relationship will create a temporary and false spiritual connection, one that replaces any need to cultivate and nurture the other two relationships (with yourself and with your higher power). Those other two relationships are the ones that will keep you clean and sober, not the relationship with a significant other. But there is a strong tendency to use a new relationship as a recovery strategy without even realizing it, and many newcomers relapse because of this.
Remember that relationships are a double-edged sword. They can bring us great joy, but at the same time, they can be extremely dangerous for the newcomer.

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Find an Addiction Center For Faster Recovery

Without intervention and treatment addiction can threaten the health and sanity of an addict. As addiction grows the addict’s life spins increasingly out of control. There are many specialized addiction centers that offer effective treatments to free the addict from a life of addiction.

A modern addiction center uses state of the art techniques and equipment to effect the fastest recovery for the patient. The recovery process includes both psychological and medical treatment. These centers use various therapies to help wean the patient off drugs and create a new sober life. After treatment many addicts are able to live the rest of their lives drug free.

Because addiction is such a powerful disease, relapse after treatment is always a danger. To help avoid relapse, these centers provide care services, which continue to monitor the patient’s behavior.

Addiction centers provide comprehensive services for the betterment of the addict. Many times, patients are enrolled in dual programs dealing with more than one addiction. Some patients suffer from severe mental and behavioral problems, and early treatment is necessary for a quicker recovery.

Psychological and medical treatments help the addict to have a more comfortable transition period. The centers have a supporting staff to help the patient recover with as much ease as possible. Counseling sessions also help the patient to perceive things in a healthier manner. Addiction centers make use of the latest techniques in therapy and analysis.

Often addicts may be embarrassed to enroll in an addiction center. Today, however, addiction is seen as a disease and not as a failure on the part of the addict. For many, addiction centers are the best way to improve an addict’s life.

More Resources

Jason Ramage is a new author and recently a recovered addict. I am writing to help other gain control over their lives.

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Find the Best Christian Addiction Recovery Centers

The first step towards getting clean of addiction is for the addict to realize the need to stay away from the drugs or alcohol, whatever is the source of his addiction. But for him to do so, his family should show solidarity and support. Often, despair grips the family of an addict when they see their loved ones losing his way, taking to drugs and alcohol and often shuns him out of embarrassment or sometimes opt for violent intervention. But often it makes matters worse for the addict and might aggravate his addiction. It is the duty of the family to help him realize his mistake through love and compassion and then take him to a good Christian addiction recovery centre to get him clean.

Now, one question that might surface is, how do you choose among the various addiction recovery centers. For this, there are several factors that you need to consider. You should go through the list of professionals working at the center and see their records. You should also look for the relapse rate of these centers and opt for the one that has the minimum relapse rate. Also, you should decide whether you would be comfortable with an in-house treatment or in a more relaxed environment, like a garden. The type of therapy offered by the rehab center should also be taken into consideration. While some people may respond better to group therapies, other might require individual attention. Privacy is also a deciding factor while choosing your rehab facility. You should also look at the nature and extent of medical care available within the facility. Another important factor is the time of the rehabilitation program and whether the center provides continuing care even after you are clean, to make sure you stay away from alcohol and drugs for good.

Apart from these general considerations, a good Christian addiction recovery center should have a good church with a pastor where the inmates can pray and attend the sermons. These centers use the addict’s faith in God to probe into his inner self and see the light within and to understand the problems in his life that have led him to take the way of addiction. Once they cause is identified, one can try to solve the problems and thus get away from addiction permanently. A good Christian rehab center also performs readings of the bible with the belief that the teaching of the bible and the faith in God will strengthen the willpower of the person to get rid of his addition and transform the person from someone lost in the wilderness of life to one who is in complete control of his senses and can clearly see the light at the end of his path and leads a biblical and faith based life. Thus, as the goodness in the person is brought to the forefront, he experiences the divinity and realizes how this new life free from drugs is much better than the old one that he has been leading. This helps him to stay clean of drugs in future.

Article Source: http://www.articlesbase.com/medicine-articles/find-the-best-christian-addiction-recovery-centers-5830250.html

Pacific Hills Treatment Center is America’s Premier Christian Alcohol and Drug RehabTreatment Center that has helped thousands of individuals suffering with drug addiction. Find Christian Drug Rehab Facilities for addiction treatment.

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