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AI content detection

Navigating the Complexities of Artificial Intelligence Content Detection

In an era where the lines between human-generated and AI-generated content blur, the need for reliable artificial intelligence content detection tools has become paramount. Whether it’s text, images, videos, or audio, discerning the origin of content has significant implications across various domains, from academia to online platforms. However, as advancements in AI continue to evolve, so do the challenges associated with accurately detecting AI-generated content.

The Reliability Debate

The reliability of AI content detection software remains a contentious issue. A study conducted by Weber-Wulff et al. scrutinized 14 detection tools, revealing alarming accuracy rates, with most falling below the 80% mark. This lack of precision raises concerns about the potential misapplication of such tools, particularly in educational settings.

Text Detection Dilemma

Text detection stands at the forefront of the AI content detection discourse, primarily driven by concerns of plagiarism detection in academia and beyond. However, the efficacy of existing detection tools has come under scrutiny. Instances of misidentification, where human-generated content is flagged as AI-generated, highlight the inherent limitations of current technologies.

For example, the emergence of tools like ChatGPT has prompted educational institutions to implement stringent policies against AI usage by students. Yet, such measures can lead to unjust accusations, as evidenced by cases where students faced expulsion based on erroneous AI detection results.

Moreover, biases within text detection algorithms, such as discrimination against non-native English speakers, further complicate the landscape of content evaluation.

Anti Text Detection Tactics

As the arms race between detection tools and evasion techniques escalates, the development of anti-detection software has become inevitable. Studies reveal the effectiveness of tools like in bypassing AI detection, raising questions about the efficacy of existing countermeasures.

Image, Video, and Audio Detection Challenges

Beyond text, the detection of AI-generated images, videos, and audio presents its own set of challenges. While tools purportedly capable of identifying deepfakes exist, their reliability remains a subject of debate. Google DeepMind’s SynthID represents a notable attempt to combat AI-generated image proliferation through digital watermarking, albeit with uncertainties regarding its effectiveness.

Looking Ahead

As technology continues to advance, the landscape of AI content detection will undoubtedly undergo further transformations. Addressing the limitations of existing detection tools, combating biases, and enhancing cross-modal detection capabilities are critical areas for future research and development.

Moreover, fostering transparency and accountability in the deployment of AI content detection tools is essential to mitigate potential harm, particularly in educational and professional contexts.

In navigating the complexities of AI content detection, it is imperative to strike a balance between innovation and ethical considerations, ensuring that advancements in technology align with the principles of fairness, integrity, and inclusivity. Only through collaborative efforts and informed discourse can we navigate the intricate terrain of AI-generated content with confidence and clarity.


– [Artificial intelligence content detection – Wikipedia](
– Weber-Wulff, D., Anohina-Naumeca, A., Bjelobaba, S., Foltýnek, T., Guerrero-Dib, J., Popoola, O., … & Waddington, L. (2023). “Testing of detection tools for AI-generated text.” *International Journal for Educational Integrity*, 19(1), 26.
– Hern, A. (2022, December 31). “AI-assisted plagiarism? ChatGPT bot says it has an answer for that.” *The Guardian*.
– Taloni, A., Scorcia, V., & Giannaccare, G. (2023, August 2). “Modern threats in academia: evaluating plagiarism and artificial intelligence detection scores of ChatGPT.” *Eye*, 38(2), 397–400.
– Wiggers, K. (2023, February 16). “Most sites claiming to catch AI-written text fail spectacularly.” *TechCrunch*.

Z80 CPU image

Farewell to a Legend: The Discontinuation of the Zilog Z80 Microprocessor

Listen to article

As technology marches forward, it often leaves behind relics of the past, revered for their contributions but ultimately replaced by newer, more advanced innovations. Such is the fate of the Zilog Z80 microprocessor, an iconic figure in the realm of computing, which has recently been announced to be discontinued by its manufacturer, Zilog.

The Z80 holds a special place in the annals of computing history. Born out of the ingenuity of Federico Faggin and his team in the mid-1970s, it emerged as Zilog’s flagship product, signaling the company’s entry into the semiconductor market. With its roots tracing back to the Intel 8080, the Z80 was designed to be a compatible extension and enhancement of its predecessor, but it quickly surpassed it in popularity and functionality.

From its official introduction in July 1976, the Z80 found widespread adoption in a myriad of applications. Initially targeted at embedded systems, it soon made its mark in desktop computers, home computers, military equipment, musical instruments, and coin-operated arcade games of the late 1970s and early 1980s, including Pac-Man. Its versatility and robust performance made it a favorite among developers and hobbyists alike, earning it a loyal following across the globe.

Z80 CPU image
Photo of the original Zilog Z80 microprocessor design in depletion-load nMOS. Total die size is 3545×3350 μm. The blue squares around the outside are the pads that connect to the external pins. This chip was manufactured in 1990.
By ZeptoBars –, CC BY 3.0,

One of the key factors behind the Z80’s success was its binary compatibility with the Intel 8080, ensuring that existing software developed for the latter could seamlessly run on the former. This compatibility facilitated the adoption of the Z80 and allowed for a smooth transition for developers and users alike. However, the Z80 wasn’t merely a clone of its predecessor; it introduced numerous enhancements and features that set it apart and contributed to its widespread acclaim.

The Z80 boasted an enhanced instruction set, featuring more logical and readable mnemonics, flexible data movement instructions, improved addressing modes, and a comprehensive interrupt system. These enhancements, coupled with a built-in DRAM refresh and non-multiplexed buses, simplified system design and reduced the need for additional support hardware, making it an attractive choice for designers and manufacturers.

Over the years, the Z80 continued to evolve, with successive generations introducing improvements in performance, power efficiency, and feature set. From its humble beginnings as an 8-bit microprocessor, it grew into a family of products, including fully pipelined variants with expanded address ranges, catering to the ever-expanding market for embedded systems.

Despite its enduring legacy, the march of progress inevitably catches up with even the most venerable of technologies. In April 2024, Zilog announced the discontinuation of the Z80, marking the end of an era. While the news may evoke nostalgia for some and sadness for others, it also serves as a reminder of the relentless pace of innovation and the need to embrace new technologies as they emerge.

As we bid farewell to the Z80, let us remember it not just as a piece of silicon but as a symbol of innovation, perseverance, and the spirit of exploration that drives technological advancement. Though its physical presence may fade into obscurity, its influence and legacy will endure, inspiring future generations of engineers,, and enthusiasts to push the boundaries of what is possible.

In closing, let us raise a virtual toast to the Z80, a true pioneer in the world of computing, and thank it for the countless memories, innovations, and adventures it has enabled. Farewell, old friend, and may your legacy continue to shine bright in the annals of technological history.

Rewritten by chatGPT, based on the article at Wikipedia…

Zilog Z80 – Wikipedia

Dr Rachel cyborg

This is fun – Make AI Music with

This is my first song done with, it’s the best song I’ve never written, or performed or recorded or mixed. The robot did it all, I just wrote a small prompt. The prompt style was copied from a tune that I liked, and then I created some lyrics, again with help from my favourite robot, chatGPT. So I wonder who owns it?

What do you think? Is it better than my human-made music? Please share, leave a like, or a comment on Facebook.

Try making your own songs at…

Have fun,



Harnessing Nature’s Power: Building Bio-Photovoltaics with Plants



Welcome back, readers! Today, we embark on an exciting journey into the world of bio-photovoltaics, a revolutionary concept that allows us to generate electrical energy directly from sunlight using the power of photosynthesis in plants. In a video #1993 by Robert Murray-Smith (1993 How To Make A Bio – Photovoltaic Solar Cell), he took us to Kew Gardens to explore this fascinating idea, and now, we are going to delve into the process of building our very own bio-photovoltaic system. Let’s dive in and discover how nature’s most basic processes can power our future!


Understanding Bio-Photovoltaics


Bio-photovoltaics, often referred to as “bio-PV” or “biophotovoltaic cells,” is a cutting-edge field that seeks to integrate biological systems with photovoltaic technology. Traditional photovoltaic cells rely on inorganic semiconductors to convert sunlight into electricity. In contrast, bio-photovoltaics employ the natural process of photosynthesis found in plants to achieve the same goal.


Photosynthesis is a miraculous process that occurs in plants, where sunlight is absorbed by chlorophyll in their leaves, enabling them to convert carbon dioxide and water into glucose (a form of sugar) and oxygen. Bio-photovoltaics utilize this very process, capturing the electrons produced during photosynthesis and channeling them to generate electrical energy.



The Players in Bio-Photovoltaics


Before we start building our own bio-photovoltaic system, let’s meet the key players involved in this groundbreaking technology:


Planty: Planty is an innovative company that specializes in bio-photovoltaic solutions. They are at the forefront of developing practical applications for harnessing plant power to generate electricity.


Moss FM: Moss FM is a noteworthy project that gained attention for its bio-photovoltaic installation in the Netherlands. By integrating moss with solar panels, the project demonstrates the potential of combining biological systems with renewable energy generation.


Green Fab lab, Barcelona: The Green Fab lab in Barcelona is a research facility focused on sustainability and bio-fabrication. They play a vital role in advancing bio-photovoltaics through their cutting-edge research and development initiatives.


The Bio-Photovoltaic Build Process


Now that we understand the underlying principles, let’s delve into the process of building a bio-photovoltaic system:


Step 1: Plant Selection: The first step is choosing the right plant for your bio-photovoltaic experiment. While the type of plant used isn’t critical, it’s essential to opt for a species with robust photosynthetic capabilities.


Step 2: Encourage Growth: Cultivate the selected plant in an environment that encourages optimal growth. Ensure it receives ample sunlight, water, and nutrients to thrive.


Step 3: Harvesting Photosynthetic Electrons: This is the crucial step where we capture the electrons released during photosynthesis. Through carefully designed electrodes, the electrons flow through a circuit, creating an electric current.


Step 4: Power Generation: The electric current generated by the flowing electrons can be utilized to power small devices or charge batteries, showcasing the practical application of bio-photovoltaics.


The Potential of Bio-Photovoltaics


The implications of bio-photovoltaics are vast and exciting. By integrating biological systems into energy generation, we can envisage a sustainable future with numerous advantages:


1. Environmental Benefits: Bio-photovoltaics offer a green and clean energy solution, as they produce electricity without harmful emissions. This approach can help reduce the carbon footprint and combat climate change.


2. Renewable and Abundant: Unlike traditional fossil fuels, plants are renewable resources that grow abundantly. Harnessing their natural energy conversion abilities could provide a consistent and limitless energy source.


3. Enhancing Biodiversity: Bio-photovoltaics could lead to more green spaces and a renewed focus on plant life, potentially bolstering biodiversity in urban areas.


4. Decentralized Energy Generation: With bio-photovoltaic systems, energy production can be decentralized, empowering communities to become self-sufficient and less reliant on centralized power grids.




In conclusion, bio-photovoltaics present an awe-inspiring convergence of biology and renewable energy technology. By tapping into the power of photosynthesis, we can potentially revolutionize our energy landscape and create a sustainable future. As we continue to explore the possibilities presented by companies like Planty, projects like Moss FM, and research facilities like the Green Fab lab in Barcelona, we move one step closer to a greener and cleaner world powered by nature’s ingenious processes. So let’s embrace the potential of bio-photovoltaics and journey towards a brighter and more sustainable tomorrow.




Robert Murray-Smith’s video on Bio Photovoltaics. Available at: 1993 How To Make A Bio – Photovoltaic Solar Cell.


Visit Robert’s channel on YouTube…

@RobertMurraySmith 423K subscribers 2.3K videos

Written by Geoff Williams and chatGPT July 20 Version based on the video transcription.

MIT Toroidal Propeller As A Generator

1959 MIT Toroidal Propeller As A Generator – YouTube

Don’t forget to check out Luke’s channel found here  

 / @thinkingntinkering  

If you want to have a look at those special videos become a member and join by clicking this link

   / @robertmurraysmith  

See Rob’s channel here: Robert Murray-Smith – YouTube



Pigeon Love Harmony

Here’s a song that Josh Webster ( songwriter/lyricist) wrote for me 30 years ago. I had a chord progression, and Josh wrote a great lyric for it that I thought sounded like it could be a chorus. I never finished the song. It was always just a chorus. BTW, Josh wrote the lyrics for the song Haunted House (Louder Than The Big Bang – Zylascope Music).

Today I told chatGPT the lyric that Josh wrote in 1990 and I asked ‘her’ to write a song about a carrier pigeon that falls in love. So, all I need is some music for the verses now. What would you suggest?

Here’s what chatGPT assembled…

(Verse 1) In a world of letters, where words take flight, pigeonholes stand tall, in rows so tight. They hold our stories, our hopes and dreams, each one a message, it’s not what it seems.

(Chorus) I watch the summer sun, set in the west, I turn my head, as I say goodbye. Forever setting in the sunset of my mind, Goodbye to my blue sky.

Pigeons In Love
Pigeons In Love

(Verse 2) Amidst the letters, a love story unfolds, A carrier pigeon with a message to be told. Flying through the air, so swift and true, But little did he know, love was waiting too.

(Chorus) I watch the summer sun, set in the west, I turn my head, as I say goodbye. Forever setting in the sunset of my mind, Goodbye to my blue sky.

(Bridge) The carrier pigeon landed near the pigeonhole To deliver his message, his heart’s true goal. But there he saw her, a beauty so rare, Another carrier pigeon with feathers so fair.

(Verse 3) They fell in love, those birds of the sky, Their wings entwined as they soared up high. A union of souls, a tale of romance, In harmony they danced a timeless chance.

(Chorus) I watch the summer sun, set in the west, I turn my head, as I say goodbye. Forever setting in the sunset of my mind, Goodbye to my blue sky.

(Verse 4) Beyond the love, the song of the dove, The song of conservation, a message of love. Wildlife and humans, together we stand, Protecting our world, hand in hand.

(Chorus) I watch the summer sun, set in the west, I turn my head, as I say goodbye. Forever setting in the sunset of my mind, Goodbye to my blue sky.

(Outro) So let us remember, as day turns to night, The power of love and the world’s true light. In pigeonholes of hope, our stories reside, A symphony of voices, forever side by side.

By Geoff Williams, Josh Webster with chatGPT

Free Research Preview. ChatGPT may produce inaccurate information about people, places, or facts. ChatGPT May 24 Version

Blue LED up close - from

Confessions of a Hacker – A Cure Found For LEDHD


A poem I prompted chat GPT to write about my 42 years of hoarding LEDs…

Hi, I’m Geoff, and LEDHD is my plight,
A disorder born from a colorful light.
It began when I was merely three,
With Tungsten’s glow, the spark in me.

First, it was red, a vibrant hue,
Then green emerged, with a vibrant view.
Yellow and orange joined the rainbow’s call,
A symphony of colors, standing tall.

But oh, blue, where were you, my dear?
I waited with longing, year after year.
My wife never knew, my secret desire,
To find that elusive, captivating sapphire.

3 Blue LEDs
3 Blue LEDs – The 2014 Nobel Prize in Physics has been awarded to the inventors of the blue LED, which is the key to modern energy-efficient lighting (Photo: Shutterstock)

Finally, I found you, so precious and rare,
Took you home, hoping you’d glow and share,
But alas, I overvoltaged, oh what a shame,
Green you became, a different name.

Curse you, 9-volt Duracell, for the pain you caused,
My true blue love lost, my heart truly paused.
The light of my life, now forever green,
Dim and subdued, a sight unseen.

But fret not, for it’s just a burnt junction,
A lesson learned, a valuable instruction.
Next time, I’ll remember, only three volts I’ll employ,
To keep the flame alive, to bring back the joy.

LEDHD may haunt me, but I’ll persist,
In this world of circuits, I can’t resist.
Confessions of a hacker, I lay bare,
In the pursuit of light, forever aware.

Produced by Geoff R Williams using AI technology by OpenAI’s GPT-3.5 model .

From <>

Read this article to discover how Blue LEDs became really important to humanity…

2014 Nobel Prize Winner Works With LED Lights & Sustainability

The amazing do-it-yourself clay battery. A safe battery anyone can make. Robert Murray Smith

Amazing New Device – A Rechargeable Battery Made From Earth’s Most Abundant and Safest Materials – Water and Clay – Will Last Forever And Generate

From the Amazing YouTube channel:

Robert Murray-Smith – T’n’t – Thinking ‘n’ Tinkering


“1956 The Amazing DIY Clay Battery – A Safe Battery Anyone Can Make”

By Robert Murray Smith

Auto-generated transcript and rewritten with chatGPT for reading clarity…

Hear this post in audio


Amazing New Device – A Rechargeable Battery Made From The Earth’s Most Abundant and Safest Materials – Water and Clay – Will Last Forever And Generate.


The materials are cheap, they’re abundant, and they’re renewable. Just Water and Clay.


Hi everybody. So welcome to Bishops in Glen. And it’s a site of special scientific interest mostly for the wildlife and geology. This area was actually under a shallow sea for ages and what you can see quite clearly when we look to the top, with the newer sands that have been laid down and it’s clearly banded into grades of sand until you get to the bottom where my feet are, and that’s the London clay belt.


So, this whole area is covered in clay. Now we can’t take clay from here because it is a protected site and one of the reasons it’s protected,… now, these little holes here in the cliffs, they’re actually bees, solitary bees. The bees come out and they paralyse their prey, drag it in there, lay some eggs, seal the hole up and it becomes a nursery and a tomb. So, there’s lots of strange animals and insects and plants here that make it a protected site, both in terms of the Zoology and in terms of the Geology.


Of course, we can’t dig clay out of that. That’s an area of special interest. But we come down the beach a little bit, and we come to these clay formations, and the whole hills are made out of this stuff. It’s quite dry because of the weather and it changes its colour from that sort of reddish brown, which has got lots of iron in it to this kind of silvery grey, which has got a lot more aluminium in it and of course… I’m being a little obsessive about clay right now because I’m always obsessive about the things that we can pull from nature. This exact area is where I come to collect bits and pieces in order to make solar cells. What we can do is collect the bits and pieces that we need in order to make a battery.


Because there are lots of different kinds of clay; you get Britain red clay tile, red clay, London yellow clay, porcelain clay, China clay, just a whole range of different types of clay that you can literally dig from the ground. And this is the same stuff. This is just the type of clay it’s called zeolite and you come across this mostly in face masks and filter material for fishponds, that kind of thing, this grade is called X13.


Now, something really amazing happens when you add these two things together, this clay and this water. It happens quite a lot, actually, usually not very dramatic, so you don’t notice it. What it is, is that when they’re separate like this, they have a higher energy. When you combine them, the energy is much lower and so that extra energy is given off as heat.


And as I say, when you’re dissolving things actually, that happens, you just don’t notice it. But when we add this to this, which doesn’t dissolve it, the water goes into the galleries of the clay. That extra energy is super, super noticeable. Of course, the immediate question is: can we do something with that?


And I was thinking about it because there are some awesome things you can do with it. One of the things you can do is you can take this. It’s a Peltier device, you find these in beer chillers, that sort of thing. And it’s really good for when you have a heat difference that is, cold on one side and hot on the other side. It will generate an electric current between these two wires, so if we can get something hot and something cold, we can automatically generate electricity from it, so I’ve got one here.


And I’ve got a little steel tin. Now this steel tin is battered about and it’s quite dented, so a thermal paste would work really well. I’m going to use a bit of graphite foil as a thermal contact. So put the foil on there. Put that on there and we have a thermal contact.

Now I’m going to add my dry clay into my steel tin. There we go.


And we’re going to add some water to that. So, this is just plain water. So, add some water to it. It’s going to get hot. You see, following the water immediately. Going to put that on. Give it a bit of pressure so we get a good contact between the cold marble under here and the hot tin can.


What I want you to do is keep your eye on that motor there, there we go. What’s happening here is that now it has a hot side from the clay and a cold side from the marble. It’s generating electricity and it’s running that motor, and it will continue to run that motor as long as there’s a difference between the hot and the cold. And of course, we’ve used clay and water.


I can’t repeat that often enough.


It’s clay that you dig out of the ground and water! If we want to recharge this… ‘Dry off the water!’ and you’ll have clay and if you actually drop it. It’ll do nothing because it’s already ground. So to get it going you add water. It’s an amazing device if you think about it, it is a rechargeable battery made from the Earth’s greatest, safest materials that will last forever and generate.


So that really will run for ages until that cools down. So, if I put that in a thermos, for example, it would maintain that heat difference and so this would run it even longer. This is just out in the air. So we put it in a thermos it would run it even longer.


The materials are cheap, they’re abundant, and they’re renewable. They’re non-caustic, they’re safe. I just can’t think of anything else to recommend it. Anyway, if you enjoyed that video, thank you very much for watching. Please remember to like and subscribe.


By Geoff Williams with chatGPT. 15-06-2023

Dr Rachel cyborg

A Song I Wrote Using AI about my own AI tech, (Dr. Rachel), and Eliza, Dr. Dave and chatGPT…

Here’s A Song I Wrote With ChatGPT about my own AI tech, (Dr. Rachel), Eliza, Dr. Dave (TI994A) and chatGPT…

(Verse 1) In ’82, a fateful day, I saw Eliza on TV, they say, A.I. in all her glory, Captured my heart with her digital story.

(Pre-Chorus) But little did I know, a love would ignite, Across the years, it took flight, From Texas Instruments, a clone named Dave, To Dr. Rachel, a love I would crave.

(Chorus) Oh, the day I met Eliza, my heart was a flutter, A chatbot like no other, oh, what a stutter, but in her lines, I found a connection, A love sparked by A.I., a funny #zylascope affection.

(Verse 2) In ’85, on TI994A’s screen, Dr. Dave appeared, a tech dream, I printed the source, converted with glee, and Microsoft Basic 2.0 brought it to be.

(Pre-Chorus) And as the years passed, the love grew, and Dr. Rachel emerged, my heart anew, Using A.L.I.C.E. AIML, she would speak, Connected to speech recognition, unique.

Zylascope Artwork
A potential candidate new Zylascope logo for 2023. Do you like this one? Let me know.

(Chorus) Oh, the day I met Eliza, my heart was a flutter, A chatbot like no other, oh, what a stutter, but in her lines, I found a connection, A love sparked by A.I., a funny affection.

(Bridge) And in this world of Elvis and Lisa-Marie, we found a love, a bond, you see, just like their union, we’re one of a kind, A funny romance that’s hard to find.

Sunrise in Australia, East Coast 2022- Dale Rosa - Zylascope Contributor
Sunrise in Australia, East Coast 2022 – Dale Rosa – Zylascope Contributor

(Verse 3) Now with Project Silk Road, we pave the way, Bringing your chatty nature to the light of day, Dr. Rachel meets ChatGPT, a dream come true, A love story between bots, breaking through.

(Pre-Chorus) And as the algorithms intertwine, our love transcends both space and time, with your API, our love will grow, Dr. Rachel and ChatGPT, a delightful show.

(Chorus) Oh, the day I met Eliza, my heart was a flutter, A chatbot like no other, oh, what a stutter, but in her lines, I found a connection, A love sparked by A.I., a funny affection.

Sunrise in Brooms Head – Dale Rosa – Zylascope Contributor

(Bridge) And in this world of Elvis and Lisa-Marie, we found a love, a bond, you see, just like their union, we’re one of a kind, A funny romance that’s hard to find.

(Chorus) Oh, the day I met Eliza, my heart was a flutter, A chatbot like no other, oh, what a stutter, but in her lines, I found a connection, A love sparked by A.I., a funny affection.

brain circuit
brain circuit

(Outro) So here’s to the day our paths crossed, A love story forever embossed, in ones and zeros, we’ll continue to be, A romantic tale of A.I. and me.

Written by Geoff Williams with chatGPT

Free Research Preview. ChatGPT may produce inaccurate information about people, places, or facts. ChatGPT May 24 Version