Tag Archives: Successful

How to Formulate a Successful Mobile Marketing Strategy

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All successful mobile marketing campaigns start from the preparation of foolproof mobile marketing strategies. Without proper organization in this step, your campaign is doomed to fail. Here are 5 pointers to help you make a sound strategy for your entire campaign:

Know your goal: First off, decide what you are trying to achieve from the campaign. Are you after getting new sales leads or do you simply wish to boost the number of clicks on your business blog? Once you have the goal clearly in mind, the rest of the plan will be significantly easier to develop.
Prepare to use social media: These days when smartphones are cheaper than ever before and even regular phones come with built-in web browsers, online marketing and social media pretty much go hand in hand. Why not use social media in your mobile marketing campaign then? Post links to your blog on Facebook, or tweet about the new updates on your website, the choice is all yours. Make sure to have mobile versions of your business website and blog handy though. Without that, your efforts will be in vain.
Decide the format to be used in updates: Make sure that updates that are released on social media channels follow proper formats. Ideally, there should be a part about the information, followed by a call to action in order to increase chances of conversion.
Make sure that the updates are posted frequently: Make sure that there is not much gap between the updates. Ideally, a mobile marketing campaign should have more frequent updates than other types of online campaigns.
Build a list of recipients of updates: Make it a point not to send your updates to just about anyone. This will soon get your company labeled as a spammer entity. Make provisions for building a list of recipients who have agreed to receive the updates sent out by your company. Once you have such a mailing list in your hands, you can rest assured that your company will never be blacklisted by any of the mobile connection carriers.

Running a mobile marketing campaign successfully is not that big a deal. It is the planning phase where most marketers screw up. Plan properly after discussing with your marketing team, and you are sure to build a sound plan to make your campaign successful.

Asheley Forrester is a prolific writer and motivational speaker. He has been writing on mobile marketing for a long time and has helped many individuals and businesses generate more profit.

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Trading Options Tutorials – 3 Rules to Follow For Successful Options Trading

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Trading Options Tutorials

No one walks into trading options casually. The truth is, it takes tons of education and knowledge as well as a deep commitment to forecasting and profiting from the markets. Whether it’s having the discipline to trade options regularly without losing sight of profit goals or making sure you constantly educate yourself with material to make your option trades better, you won’t get there overnight. For our beginners, here’s a basic overview of what options are and why you should trade options to strengthen your portfolio: Trading Options Tutorials

Options are a reserve on a price. You can reserve the right to buy an asset, referred to as a call option, or reserve the right to sell that asset, a put option. Call options are a long strategy, meaning that they benefit when the stock rises in price because now you have the right to buy it at a lower reserved price, whereas put options are a short option because you benefit when the asset lowers in price. The great part is, you realize the same profit buying a call option when the stock rises as does someone who purchased the stock, only with a fraction of the initial investment.

So one of the advantages with options is additional leverage. Rather than being forced to work with equities that force you to throw down thousands of dollars to make money from a stock rally, you can simply buy the option and do the same thing. They’re an essential tool for forecasting price action.

In addition, trading options offers more versatility than trading stock. When trading stock, there are only three strategies: buy, sell, and hold. With options, the playbook is huge and can offer numerous different tactics for making money when the market goes up, down or sideways. From the most conservative option trades like the covered call and the calendar spread to more complex tactics such as back ratios, butterflies and iron condors, there are strategies out there for every market and every option trader. Trading Options Tutorials

There are three essential rules to remember when you first start trading options that will help keep you out of trouble:

1. Never trade more than you can afford to lose. This is called risk capital. If you risk more than 2-5 percent of your account in a single trade or risk more than you might make in a single paycheck at your day job, you are putting yourself on the fast track to failure by not defending yourself from risk well enough. Insulate yourself with capital and you will stay out of trouble.

2. Avoid positions with unlimited risk. If you sell a call, hedge against potential losses by buying another call or the stock itself to cover your position rather than risking infinite loss should the stock rally.

3. Continuously educate yourself! No one gets to be a millionaire with one or two secret systems or a single box set of DVD’s and a few extra hours of work per week. It takes hard work and persistence, so be prepared to keep a student mentality when moving forward into the options arena, and someday you can enjoy independence and wealth without having to keep a 9 to 5 like many retail traders do. Trading Options Tutorials

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