Tag Archives: Addiction

Addiction and Recovery – Social and Environmental Triggers For Cravings Worksheet

Associations between particular feelings, people, places, and events becomes intertwined with the alcoholic or addicts drinking and drugging behavior. When alcoholics and addicts find their way to recovery, the old associations between the drinking and drugging and the old feeling, people, places, and events persist, often triggering cravings to drink or use. When these cues trigger drinking or using memories and perhaps euphoric recall, unless you take action to prevent cravings and possible relapse, you remain extremely vulnerable to losing your recovery. These cues are ever present, but relapse can be averted.

It is important to avoid the external triggers that are your most dangerous and that are within your power to avoid. Many of these would be the obvious ones such as hanging out with old drinking/using friends, or going to bars or liquor stores. Triggers that can’t be avoided can be neutralized. To be ready and able to neutralize triggers that arise, you need to be able to anticipate and identify them, then have a plan of action on how you will deal with them without drinking/using.

Below are areas that serve as triggers, that can set up cravings to return to drinking or using. Use this work sheet to help identify your probable risks.

Social and Environmental Triggers for Cravings Worksheet 


Who are the people you used to drink or use drugs with? Make a list.  

Make a list of other people that could serve as a trigger for relapse. It could be extended family members, spouse, girlfriend, your children, boss, coworkers, neighbors and any others.


Where did you used to drink or use drugs?

What are the places that could trigger cravings or euphoric recall? Make a list of the places that might remind you of drinking/using or serve as trigger. Examples might include: bars, clubs, golf courses, football games and tailgating, school, work, certain streets, certain parts of town, concerts, pool halls, certain country roads, lakes, backyards.  


What kinds of events did you routinely participate in while drinking or using drugs?  

What are some of the routine events that you might participate in now that could trigger cravings? Make a list of possible trigger-provoking events. Examples might include going to the lake and fishing, mowing the lawn, fund raising events, going gambling, attending music festivals, and others.


What are some of the celebrations or special events that you might participate in that could serve as a trigger for relapse? Make a list. Examples might include: weddings, graduation, birthdays, vacation, holidays (with or without extended family members).

Other stressful events or activities

 Identify other stressful events or activities that could serve as a trigger. Examples might include such things as deaths of family members, divorce, separation, money problems, getting paid, getting a raise, calls from creditors, paying bills, group meetings, long work hours, unemployment, having a baby, retiring, home alone, vacation, going by an ATM machine, home alone, finding paraphernalia, a long “to do” list.  

Relationship events

What kinds of relationship events were associated with your drinking or drug use?

Identify relationship events that could serve as a trigger. Examples might include meeting new people, going out on a date, hanging out with friends, after an argument, before sex, after sex, viewing pornography, family visits, having a baby, separation, divorce, marriage.


When did you usually drink or use?

Identify specific times of day, week, month or year that may serve as a trigger for relapse. Examples might be Monday (Monday night football), Sunday (gearing up to go back to work), anniversary date or month of traumatic events, after work, before work, trying to get to sleep, waking in the night, and any other times that are significant.

Making a plan.

Looking back over your lists above, identify actions that you can take to reduce the threat to your recovery.  Which events can you avoid?

Which events or situations can you escape from if you feel vulnerable? How can you empower yourself to escape?

Ex:  Practice being assertive with leaving a risky situation.   Use cognitive therapy to challenge unrealistic thinking that might keep you from leaving when you need to.   Make a plan on how you could escape. Example: Drive yourself, walk out, call a cab, have an AA call list and have someone come get you.  

What can you do to change how you think or feel when you find yourself in an inescapable position that is triggering a desire to use?

Ex: Use thought stopping techniques to manage cravings when they occur. Use the phone. Call your sponsor. Call your counselor or someone in AA/NA. Engage someone who is supportive of your recovery in a conversation. Remind yourself that cravings are temporary and that they will go away if you do not use. Remember that cravings are a normal part of recovery and that they do not doom you to failure. Remind yourself that you have the choice whether you act on your cravings. Think of a craving as a contest between you and your disease. Who will win?    

If you or someone you love is in early recovery or trying to establish abstinence, arm yourself with all the education that you need to accomplish it. This is one in a series of articles about preventing relapse in early recovery. My website has a number of other valuable resources for recovering addicts/alcoholics and their families. There is a “Link” page that could serve as an effective starting place for research on most addiction and mental health topics. A “Recommended Readings” page can help point you in the right direction for many topics. I make myself available to answer educational kinds of questions in my “Ask Peggy” column. There are a number of articles roughly categorized currently as “Marriage Articles”, “Sexual Addiction”, “Addiction and Mental Health”, “Family Dynamics of Addiction”.

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Drug Addiction, Alcoholism and Malnutrition

When people who abuse substances enter our substance abuse treatment center in British Columbia they often show signs of malnutrition. For heroin addicts the malnutrition is due to the loss of appetite that the drug induces. Chronic alcoholics also suffer malnutrition, especially a shortage of thiamine (vitamin B).
People with malnutrition are vulnerable to infection. The nutrients from food are essential to the functioning of the immune system. Without a properly functioning immune system one is easily susceptible to disease.
Other outcomes of malnutrition are breakdowns in the body’s basic functioning. In addition to being underweight, the malnourished substance abuser may suffer from a bad complexion and digestive problems. He or she may complain of muscle aches and fatigue. Hair may stop growing and even fall out and women of childbearing age stop menstruating. Tooth decay can also occur.
Malnutrition is not limited to the long-term substance abuser. Anyone who fails to eat, or eats food of low nutritional value, for a few days can suffer malnutrition. In chronic alcoholics malnutrition often presents itself in behavior that is characteristic of alcoholics but is actually the symptoms of Korsakoff’s syndrome, or “wet brain” brain disease caused by a lack of thiamine (vitamin B).
Symptoms of Korsakoff’s include amnesia. This can be both short and long-term. For example, following a blackout, the alcoholic may be unable to remember the circumstances that lead to the blackout (short-term amnesia). He or she may also, for example, forget the names and faces of relatives (long-term amnesia).
Those who suffer Korsakoff’s syndrome also demonstrate confabulation, which is invented memories that are taken as true due to gaps in memory. This is why chronic alcoholics may seem to believe their own lies. The memory has been invented because there is no memory and the invented memory that has replaced it is now believed to be true.
Another syndrome, called Wernicke encephalopathy, can accompany Korsakoff’s syndrome. It causes brain damage, loss of coordination and loss of eye movement. Korsakoff’s syndrome is a continuum of Wernicke’s syndrome. Brain damage caused by Korsakoff’s or Wernicke’s syndromes cannot be reversed. Korsakoff’s syndrome was once thought to be an incurable condition that would result in full-time care. Currently treatment includes replacement and supplementation of thiamine along with proper nutrition and hydration.
Good nutrition and vitamin therapy are extremely important to the treatment of substance abuse. The brain needs to recover from its lack of thiamine and the body needs proper nutrition in order to overcome malnutrition and build up the immune system.
Specific vitamin supplements may be supplied by physicians to overcome the effects of Korsakoff’s syndrome, but a regular diet high in anti-oxidant foods, such as fruit, fish and vegetables, and with adequate protein, fats and carbohydrates, is essential.
Substance abusers often suffer from disruptive sleep patterns, so coffee is not recommended. The drug addict or alcoholic should limit their intake of caffeine to two cups a days and drink it only in the mornings Sugar intake should also be reduced because of its effects on the body chemistry.
It is amazing how proper nutrition helps heal the recovering substance abuser. Along with abstention from all addictive substances, the introduction of nutritious food and vitamin therapy can restore the person to their former complete health.

Daryl Samson, MEd
Program Director, Orchard Drug and Alcohol Addiction Center

Daryl Samson specializes in the assessment, treatment, intervention and monitoring of addictive disorders and chemical dependencies at the Orchard Drug and Alcohol Addiction Treatment Center in British Columbia, Canada. He possesses a unique combination of educational, professional and personal experiences that enable him to relate easily to those suffering from drug and alcohol addiction. Daryl has 15 years of experience in addictions treatment and intervention. He credits Dr. Ray Baker of HealthQuest as a mentor who influenced his approach to interacting with addicts and their loved ones. Daryl is a model of balanced recovery and is passionate about instilling hope in the hopeless and helping them meet their recovery goals.

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Demanding Role, Demanding Life Lead To Addiction

Women these days are increasingly becoming self dependent in all the spheres of life. They are able to carry out duties bestowed upon them with great lan! All these factors together take their toll on them. They are facing with lots more problems like addiction, stress and other physical problems. Getting a professional support at such juncture becomes very important. This support could be gained in a form of a friends advice, a caring shoulder of a loved one or in a form of an expert advice. Addiction to various substances is becoming an increasingly common phenomenon in women.

Every individual has the right to live a healthy and happy life. Considering this fact the addicts need special understanding and support, for women it is essentially emotional support, from the society to overcome their habits. Men and women have different pathways to recovery are very much different. It was a need of time to have a separate treatment center for women. Every individual is entitled to get this strong support. This invaluable support is received from the female drug rehab. Various types of womens addiction treatment are also carried out by rehabs specialized for treating women.

These rehabs treat women on inner issues like depression, failure in relationships etc. that lead to such addiction. This treatment is conducted in a luxurious house situated in the lap of nature, where women are given the privacy and help they need to rediscover them and begin to recover in mind, body and spirit from the devastation of alcoholism and drug addiction. Women have special needs and our expert clinicians understand that they need to feel loved, supported, and cared for to begin the process of changing their lives.

The professional team which offers multidisciplinary approach to the treatment and plan carefully the aftercare program. Recovery treatment begins with a detox for women. A treatment approach that values a client’s complete life, including family, community, culture, value systems, spiritual traditions, and integration within the real world is considered for healing. It is very human to get attracted to the old habit again. But there are extended care treatment program for those who show signs of relapse. Based on the belief of maintaining a lifelong relationship, many rehabs offer an alumni community, where the sober can interact with each other and share their experiences.

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Understanding Drug and Alcohol Addiction

A drug and/or alcohol addiction is a life-changing illness that can be detrimental not only the addict, but also to their family and close friends.  To better understand addiction as an illness, one must first understand what an addict and/or addiction looks like.  In then seeing an addictive lifestyle in yourself, or a within the life of a loved one, it is possible to seek proper rehabilitation treatment.

So, what exactly is an addiction?  Formally, an addiction to a drug or alcohol can be described as the ongoing abuse of a substance that affects an individual’s life, and the life of those that surround them, negatively.  It is a chemical dependency that, over time, becomes a lifestyle.  An addiction can affect rational decision-making, internal will-power, character and personal strength.

There are several negative consequences that may come with a harmful addiction, beyond that of issues relating to poor health.  Some of these consequences may include, but are not limited to:

*  Financial problems
*  Inability to work
*  Poor hygiene
*  Loss of time with family and/or friends
*  Broken relationships
*  Death due to overdose or inability to make good/healthy decisions

An addiction is not only that of abusing a harmful substance.  An addiction also encompasses all of the behaviors, rituals and feelings that entice an addiction to continue using drug and/or alcohol.  Often times, breaking these bad habits and amending these negative feelings and/or behaviors, are just as difficult as not continuing to use the chemical.

It is often difficult for an addict to quit using drugs or alcohol on their own.  Even if they do make a conscious decision to do so, the support of a drug and alcohol rehabilitation center is highly recommended.  Within these centers, an individual can gain medical assistance, counseling and the support of others in similar situations.  These rehab centers are located throughout the entire United States, each with different methods of treating the illness.

When searching for a drug and alcohol rehabilitation center, there are many decisions in which to make. Asking a friend or family member for assistance may be a good idea. Together an addict and their loved one can choose options such as that of a gender specific center, a spiritually-based program, etc. The choice should feel like a positive step forward, so one should not be afraid to ask questions of center professionals prior to starting the program.

An addiction can affect relationships, finances and health, to the point of overall personal destruction.  Although, one must also realize that individuals overcome addictions each and every day.  There is hope via contacting a rehabilitation center.  It’s never too late to start walking down a path to a healthy and complete recovery.

About the Author: Robert Shryoc is the Director of Development at the Stonegate Center, a Texas treatment center. The Texas drug rehab community serves people entangled in the physical, mental, social and spiritual bonds of chemical dependency. For more information about the residential treatment facility please visit http://www.stonegatecenter.com


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Ibogaine treatment: overcoming drug addiction

These days, our fitness and good health are two major asserts on which we should concentrate the most.  But unfortunately our young generations are becoming addicted to toxic drugs which not only harm their health but also wasting their money. Addiction is a serious condition that has been a root cause for many untimely deaths. Addiction is the result of consuming addictive substances like caffeine, aerosols, alcohol, nicotine, cocaine and methamphetamine. The only true way to cure an addiction is to restore a chemical balance within the brain. Ibogaine treatment is the only known treatment that is able to achieve exactly this, in just one treatment.

Ibogaine treatment is best way to get free from addiction. Ibogaine is a psychotropic alkaloid naturally occurring in the West African shrub iboga. While it is a mild stimulant in small doses, in larger doses it induces a profound psychedelic state. The persons who suffered from drug addiction and its habit reported that this chemical has proven best for get rid them from drug addiction. In this treatment, it is mandatory to inject the dose of Ibogaine of 20mg/day to patient.

The ibogaine treatment involves three major stages. At first state capsule is given to ingested the ibogaine in small amount clear the vision for a therapist that how he can handle the patient. After that the amount of ibogaine dose increased by a bit for a spiritual seeker who is desire to have an experience. If the patient ingesting the ibogaine experience any sort of trauma, than the best is to unrest a patient with small amount of ibogaine

The Benefits of Ibogaine Treatment:

At a 70% success rate, Ibogaine treatments offer a very real hope and possibility of overcoming drug addiction, as compared to the meagerly 1-4% success rate of most other methods.

Whenever the person takes this chemical, it excites central nervous system of the person.

It has to be administered under controlled conditions. Persons who have a heroin habit or are addicted to other opiates have reported that it reduces the normal withdrawal symptoms.

People who have participated in a system based on this kind of medicine report that they do not experience the pain that is usually associated with recovery.

Therefore, Persons who have been through ibogaine treatment are far less likely to resume their habit after they leave a supervised program.


Ibogaine treatment | Ibogaine therapy | Ibogaine center

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How Does Drug Addiction Develop?

While many people can remain sober throughout their entire lives, others find themselves in situations where they turn to drugs and grow a habit of abuse.  What makes people take the path of drug abuse rather than sobriety?  There can be a number of different factors that lead to someone initially getting involved in drug use and later developing an addiction.  For a lot of people there are genetic factors in the tendency to be addicted to things.  It is common for issues like alcoholism or other drug abuse to be hereditary.  Other factors can be a pre-existing mental illness like depression, bipolar disorder or other types of mental health problems.  The tendency of addiction to develop as a result of these problems is so common that dual diagnosis treatment has become a necessary part of many rehab centers.

Aside from genetic factors or the existence of a mental illness, a person’s culture or exposure to drugs can affect their interest in taking them.  If someone lives in an environment where drug use is the norm then they are much more likely to become addicted to different kinds of drugs.  Whatever the cause may be the development of the addiction can be exacerbated by factors of mental illness and the only method of recovery will most likely be dual diagnosis treatment.  If there is no mental health problem present then a general rehab facility will be sufficient to help them recover.  All kinds of drugs vary in their symptoms of addiction but the solutions to them are effective for everyone.  No matter how severe the addiction anyone can get sober if they find the right kind of treatment center. 

The growing habit of drug abuse that a person has can accelerate quite quickly no matter what the circumstances of their introduction to the drug.  If certain factors come into play they may struggle with an addiction for a very long time.  Only with professional treatment can they hope to improve their condition and achieve sobriety. 

Sovereign Health of California offers a highly specialized team of qualified and licensed professionals with diverse clinical experience in behavioral health and addictions. Our staff will create your unique program to improve your mental and physical health, helping you get back to life.

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Addiction and Recovery – Maintaining Your Recovery Motivation – Or You Will Relapse?

People often find their way to recovery in the midst of a crisis. Someone standing at the crossroads of recovery, may have been arrested for DUI, may have been fired, or may have received a scary report from the doctor. He may have heard the bottom line demand from his spouse– “Get help or we are getting a divorce.” Or, the alcoholic/addict may in fact, have a moment of clarity and really be able to see that he does have a problem and that help and abstinence are called for. The alcoholic/addict feels afraid. He feels ashamed.  He feels angry at others or at himself for being in this position in the first place.   

Fear, coercion or crisis helps him find his way into recovery. Fear is a fairly good short term motivator, but not so good in the long run. Once the fear subsides and the crisis is over, it is very easy to lose your motivation and momentum. At the point where the cycle of addiction is interrupted by failing to take the next drink, dose, or joint, there is a lot of tension, anxiety, and mindfulness of where you are in the process. Detox or withdrawal may occur, with physical and/or emotional symptoms being very consciously experienced.

When you get to feeling better physically and emotionally after detoxing, it is easy to lose your momentum. Your focus on recovery can dissolve. Some of the problems that once motivated your recovery might be resolved now. Because you have quit drinking or using, your spouse and kids are once again speaking to you and are in the process of forgiving you. You may have even won back some trust. Everything seems to be going well.  

Under these circumstances it is quite easy for you to take your eyes off the target and lose your focus on recovery. Erroneously, you may believe that your abstinence is not so fragile now.  Feeling better, you may think you have it “whipped”. 

Without actively focusing on your continuing abstinence and recovery, your behavior can begin to drift away from the newly instituted behavioral changes that you have made. You run the risk of returning to old thinking, old feelings, and then ultimately old behavior.  The reason why this would happen is that you are not consciously taking steps to continue on a path of recovery. This path involves many changes in your behavior and in your life style. Without making conscious choices in regard to how each decision affects your new recovery life or your old addiction life, you are unconsciously choosing your old life. Choosing recovery is not like jump starting your damaged car battery where once you get it started, it recharges itself as run it. You have to continuously work a program of recovery. Without doing so, your efforts will be short-lived. 

You will quit going to counseling. You will quit going to meetings. You will have stopped calling your recovery support people. Your defenses will go back up and you may take exception to the feedback of significant others who tell you that you are acting like you used to before recovery.


You won’t be able to see that you are on the road to relapse. You won’t be able to understand why they are concerned. You won’t be able to identify the behavioral changes that scare them because you will be back in denial. Being around old drinking/using environments and friends don’t scare you. You can’t understand why it would scare your significant others. After all, you told them that you are not going to relapse. You have learned your lesson. What more do they want? 

After awhile, you will begin to think that you have your drinking or using under control now.  When you think of addiction as a thing of the past, that you now have it under control, you will begin to entertain the notion that you can now drink or use without negative consequences. If any of this sounds like your recent experience, you are in big trouble. You are in the relapse process and unless you do something now, you will relapse–and soon.

Addiction recovery is a lifelong process, just as recovery from all chronic diseases are. To empower yourself and your addicted loved one, gain as many tools and resources as you can. My website has a number of individual and family dynamics of addiction and recovery. There are Recommended Readings, an “Ask Peggy” column, a Links page with additional resources, and a newsletter that will alert you to new educational/informational opportunity releases. To answer a survey about what you would like to know more about, or to purchase my ebook, “Understanding Cross Addiction to Prevent Relapse” go to http://www.peggyferguson.com/ServicesProvided.en.html

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Drug Rehab Programs – Staying Sober After Addiction Treatment Recovery

When it comes to drug rehab programs one of the major goals that they will stress is that their job is to keep a client in the program until they are medically cleared to leave. This is mainly so that they can keep them in the program long enough to help them begin the process of addiction recovery. There are many drug rehab programs that have begun to treat more than just the addiction and have started to also treat the underlying issues also known as comorbidities as well. Many rehab centers have started doing this because the underlying issues can be some of the hardest obstacles to get past in order to help a patient or client actually begin addiction recovery.

For example – When a patient is involved in a one on one therapy sessions, a group session, or a meeting for a 12 step program and they happen to have an anxiety attack or their ADD kicks in, then they cannot concentrate on what they are supposed to be learning in the session. This is completely blocking them from getting the treatment they need plus they will not be able to get to the recovery stage if the anxiety attacks are not addressed first.

Since many clients of drug rehab programs suffer from ADHD, ADD, anxiety, headaches, depression, and insomnia, many centers for rehab have began to use neurotherapy as a part of their process to deal with these illnesses. It has been proven that neurotherapy can reduce stress, headaches, and anxiety so that the patients have a better chance at recovery from their addiction.

It is not easy to become sober when you have been addicted to a drug or many drugs for many years. It is a very stressful task and it is something that will take time, effort, and support. There are many new methods of treatment that have been discovered and are being used to help patients cope with the addiction they are fighting and have proven that more recovering drug addicts are able to stick with the 12 step program well after they have made it into the addiction recovery stage.

Discover more suggestions at http://bloggerscafe.net

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Learn How To Utilize Natural Cures For Drug Addiction

There are many reasons why people turn to drugs in their lifetime it can be due to stress, anxiety and issues regarding relationships and work. However the thing that’s the most important is coming off of the drugs and recovering in the most successful and healthy manner possible. For some drug detoxing is easier than it may at first seem yet for others it proves to be a bit more difficult, however the main thing is everyone can become clean with the right assistance. There are effective ways of drug detoxing that allow you personally to battle with the addiction in the mind, body and spirit which is truly you and not some chemical medication that stops you taking the drugs. When you learn to battle the addiction yourself without chemical aid, you really do rid yourself from the addiction as you are in total control of your body, mind and spirit. Instead of using the many unsafe and insecure drug detox clinics out there, why not use a healthy more natural approach to drug detoxing.

We can all control our minds state if we are in the right environment and being taught how to by the right people. There are natural cures for everything these days and one of the biggest issues we can control by ourselves when taught how is stress. Stress is encountered a lot at chemically bounded Drug Detox Centers as people aren’t taught how to relax and deal with things naturally. Whereas if you attend a natural drug detox center you will be taught how to use your own initiative and brain so that you can counteract your addiction. Life is all about balance and if you have a good balance between mind, body and spirit you will learn to live the most healthy and fulfilling life you possibly can. Being taught how to do that by the right people in the right environment is what will set you free.

Drug addictions can be cured by constant relaxation and mind nourishment, this can be achieved through many methods. One very effective method is meditation as meditation clears and composes the mind for the good of life, everything starts with a though and ends with an action so if you can control your thoughts you can control your actions for the better. Uses of saunas and daily acupunctures really helps ease withdrawal symptoms and stress as you can’t help but feel relaxed in these areas. Learning to meditate isn’t so easy by yourself and you may have even tried to do it before by yourself and not achieved very good results. Learning meditation from an experienced worker who knows how to battle drug addiction will be a totally different and unique experience for you. Guided meditation is perfect for controlling the mind the way you want to and ridding addictive and overwhelming thoughts.

Attack and deal with your drug addiction the natural way so that you don’t have to pump yourself with more chemicals and feel as though things just aren’t working, you will really feel the benefit when you learn to deal with the addiction by yourself without the aid of medication.


Visit the most professional, natural and assisting Drug Detox Center named Turning Point at the following website: http://www.drug-detox-center.com/

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Using the Problems Checklist to Guide Your Living Skills Development in Addiction Recovery

One of the main things that I teach newly recovering alcoholics/addicts to do, is to identify the roles that chemicals play in their lives. This is especially important since the chemical has occupied so many crucial roles or functions and that removing it from a person’s life leaves big, gaping holes in their behavioral repetoire. When you identify the roles previously played by the chemical, you then identify possible healthy alternatives to replace the roles with. Early on, it is usually simple things like meetings, prayer, meditation, exercise, calling people for help, etc. Its pretty difficult to learn sophisticated living skills when you are hanging on by your fingernails. A little later in recovery, we are still working on replacing the roles with healthy alternatives, but we are focusing more on developinig more indepth living skills, and working to solve the most pressing of problems.

Often, by the time that someone finds his way to recovery, he has focused so much on getting the next drug, using it, and getting over it, that they don’t have a full grasp of the disarray that his life is truly in. The bills may be stacked up and unpaid. There may be impending court dates. Extended family members may not be speaking to him. He may be unemployed or underemployed. He may lack frustration tolerance, stress managment, feelings expression skills, and inability to communicate and problem solve with others. The following problems list can help the recovering person begin to repair the damage caused in his life by addiction. To use this checklist, identify which problems you have, rank them from most pressing to least pressing, taking into account the items as short term and long term goals.

The Problems Checklist

Check the problems on this list that you have currently. Identify whether you look at these items as short term or long term goals. Rank the ones you identified in terms of most pressing to least pressing, (i.e. #1, #2, #3).

Check Rank

____ ____ Housing, or appropriate place to live
____ ____ Medical or dental problems or need for checkups
____ ____ Regaining custody of children or finding Appropriate childcare
____ ____ Legal and court problems
____ ____ Relationship issues
____ ____ Social network problems (i.e. drug using friends/acquaintences)
____ ____ Feeling management skills
____ ____ Education issues such as going back to school, GED, additional training, etc.
____ ____ Psychololgical issues like anxiety, depression, mental confusion, mood swings, etc.
____ ____ Lack of structure and time management skills
____ ____ Lack of stress management skills
____ ____ Impatience, lack of frustration tolerance, demand for immediate gratification
____ ____ Lack of self-esteem, self-confidence, or positive identity
____ ____ Shame and guilt about hurting family or need to make amends
____ ____ Poor communication skills and/or poor conflict management skills
____ ____ Other obsessive compulsive behaviors
____ ____ Alienation, not feeling like you fit in, loneliness, isolation
____ ____ Lack of motivation or Procrastination
____ ____ Reliable Transportation
____ ____ Financial concerns or unpaid bills
____ ____ Job training or employment

There are more recovery tools on my website for your use. There are a number of articles and worksheets on individual and family dynamics of addiction and recovery, Recommended Readings, an “Ask Peggy” column, a Links page with additional resources, and a newsletter that will alert you to new educational/informational opportunity releases. To purchase my ebook, “Understanding Cross Addiction to Prevent Relapse” go to http://www.peggyferguson.com/ServicesProvided.en.html

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