Tag Archives: Tips

Meditation Breathing Tips

There is more to Meditation breathing than just taking long, deep breaths although that is a good place to start.  Once you are meditating on a more regular basis and you want to start achieving deeper levels of meditation and relaxation you will need to try using different breathing techniques to help you reach those goals.  Here are some easy meditation breathing exercises that are commonly taught to people who are just starting to meditate.  If you have any trouble with some of the more advanced breathing techniques later on down the road you can always come back to these basic breathing techniques.

Long Deep Breathing – Long deep breathing is essentially what you’re already doing; it’s just doing it in a more focused way.  Long deep breathing is when you use your diaphragm to breathe in, hold a breath for several seconds, and then blow it out.  This type of breathing is excellent for reducing tension or calming you down when you’re angry or upset.

Breath of Fire – The Breath of Fire technique is a breathing method used primarily in Kundalini meditation.  Breath of Fire is performed by pulling in oxygen through your nose then pumping it out of your body rhythmically without tensing your chest, rib cage or abdominal muscles. The Breath of Fire, when done correctly, has the same action that a bellows that is used to start a fire has.  It’s usually the second type of meditation breathing exercise that people learn.

It is important to must some breathing techniques so that you can have effective meditation sessions.

Learn secrets of meditation and reach into your inner self to become a strong and better person at, http://www.meditationcottage.com

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www.zylascope.com | Relaxaxtion Music

Music Mixing Techniques and Music Mixing Tips

I recently realized that I did not know the music mixing techniques I thought I did and when I first started music production I learnt the hard way. I searched about for music production tips and music mixing online, during this time I found many opposing ideas that left me even more confused.

I am glad I did learn in the end though as I always thought there was something I was missing. I was right about that of course but I was looking in the wrong area; I thought it was with my song writing ability but the truth was I did know how to produce music. Here are a music mixing tips to consider and help you when you are mixing and recording music.

Write and record before doing any mixing – Before you start mixing make sure that the whole track is recorded (by you or someone else). This is rule number one on how to produce music. You cannot start to mix a track before it is finished as that would be like trying to decorate the insides of a house when the roof is not on yet. If you do start to mix a track before it is has finished being written it will never be finished because when you are writing you need to consider certain things and when mixing you consider different things. These two conflicting priorities will pull you right and left. If you are/have been doing this there is a good chance you are trying to use effects to mask a poorly written song or you need to learn and understand some basic music theory to pave a solid path forward. It is worth mentioning that you could be in need of some extra music production tips if you are having these problems when you do have a finished track

Always fix any problems with what has been recorded at the time of recording – If you are recording something or have been given a track from someone and you can hear that there is a problem somewhere in the track it is very important that this problem is rectified before going into the mixing process. It is important to set solid and clear boundaries between recording and mixing, I would say this is one of the golden rules that sits highly on the music production tips list. If you have just recorded a guitar part and something is not sitting quite right, maybe a note clash or something drops out of time briefly, fix it instantly. Either find a note that does not clash or re-record that specific bar around or in between the rest which works. Do not leaving it till the mix.

Arrange your environment before you start – Before you sit down and start to mix a track it is important to get everything arms reach and make sure you have everything needed out and close to hand. This may not be one of the most helpful music mixing techniques but it is important for concentration. It is no good if you have to keep getting up and going through cupboards looking for specific boxes or needing to use something only to find that you do not have the right cable or batteries.

Another thing to consider is R.S.I, this is very common if you are working on the computer and it is important to make certain adjustments to reduce the chances of this.

There are many other music mixing tips to consider if you are interested in helping yourself understand how to produce music. I believe that if anyone ever wants to improve their music mixing techniques they should take a look at THIS website. It could be the case that you are stuck and do not know what to do next or it could be you are wanting to learn more skills and ‘tricks of the trade’, either way you should take a look.

www.zylascope.com | Electronic Music

Recovery Tips For Overcoming Addiction

Here are a couple of tips for anyone who is struggling with addiction and trying to find recovery in their life.

First of all, it is recommended that you surrender fully to the idea that you have a disease and that your addiction is not going to get any better while you are fighting against it directly. In other words, you have to let go of the idea that you can possibly control your drug or alcohol use or cut down and get things back under control. This idea will keep you trapped in a cycle of addiction, when the real solution is for you to surrender to the fact that you cannot successfully use drugs at all. The first tip, therefore, is to surrender.

After you have made the decision to change your life, next it is recommended that you ask for help. This is important because drug addicts and alcoholics have already proven to themselves over and over again that they cannot defeat addiction on their own. We need help in order to recover, and so it is imperative that the addict seek outside help. Peer support and professional treatment are both particularly useful in this case.

Another tip for recovery is that once you are clean and sober, then you should embrace a holistic approach to your recovery. This means that you should branch out in your recovery efforts to include things such as nutrition, exercise, emotional stability, networking with peers in recovery, and a variety of other approaches as well.

Following these tips is going to give you the best chance at long term success.

Learn more about getting help for addiction and tips for recovery.

www.zylascope.com | Relaxaxtion Music