Meditation For Health

What Meditation Is

Simply put, meditation is sitting still and quieting your mind. It is the act of being totally present with what is, without making mental commentary. When you meditate, you are in the most pristine, natural state of being. In other words, your mind is quiet and you are just being. Think of meditating as the freedom to just be. Theres no pressure. There are no deadlines. And while there are a lot of different styles of meditation, theres really no right or wrong way to do it. You are simply in a calming, peaceful state of being. I believe that when you are in this quiet state of mind, you are a human being, instead of a human doing

While youll find that meditation is peaceful, its not exactly peace of mind. However, meditation is freedom from the mind. By that, I mean that during meditation, your mind will be free from your egoic thoughts or mental commentaries. The egoic mind gets conditioned to build up a sort of wall around who you are.

Meditation breaks down that wall so that the mental commentary (mind chatter) isnt there. Meditation allows you to say, Who am I if I am not these thoughts? This is the most important question on the planet. And its through meditation that you can ask that all-important question and to go into yourself for true self-discovery. You see, when you are meditating, you are thought-free, and you lose the sense of fear and desire. If youre in a state of fearing something, then you are in a state of wanting something.

Physical Effects of Stress

Lets face it. Were living in very stressful times. If stress is allowed to continue over an extended length of time, the result can be bad for both your mind and your body. Let me give you an analogy to demonstrate this point. Hold out your arm straight at shoulder level. Keeping it in that position probably wont bother you at first, but the longer you hold it there, the more it will hurt. The pain will get worse and worse until you cant stand it any longer. Finally, there will be so much pain that youll have to drop your arm to your side. Stress is like that. In the beginning, it may not bother you much, but over an extended period of time, it will take a toll on your health, both physically and mentally.

Studies show that prolonged stress can weaken the immune system and lead to a plethora of health problems, like high blood pressure, one of the biggest killers on the planet. In fact, studies show that stress-related illnesses account for more than 60% of all doctor visits in this country. Unfortunately, most people alleviate their stress with things like alcohol, chocolate, or prescription drugs. But simply numbing the pain by depending on one or more of these crutches isnt the long-term answer. Instead, why not practice daily meditation? It has been scientifically documented that meditation lowers blood pressure by allowing you to completely relax your body and clear your mind. Meditation reportedly reduces stress-induced hormones in the blood, alleviating anxiety, anger and many types of illness.

Thats right. Meditation can help with illnesses. Scientific studies have shown that meditation not only helps with stress reduction, it can also actually increase physical healing. It has been successfully used to help patients suffering with everything from cat allergies, to heart palpitations, to back pain.

How is this possible? Being in a meditative state increases the amount of endorphins produced by the brain, and its these endorphins that can assist our bodies in the healing process. These same endorphins make us feel happy and give us a positive, uplifted sensation. I call it the ultimate natural high!

Initially, when people begin to meditate, they might not feel much. If this happens to you after a few times of trying to meditate, dont get discouraged. Like everything else, meditation takes practice. And remember, practice makes perfect! Everybody who has meditated consistently for a while will tell you that meditation is very relaxing and peaceful. If you practice meditation long enough and regularly enough, that peacefulness will be carried with you throughout the day.

Dr. Robert Puff, Ph.D. is a meditation expert, international speaker and the creator of the weekly Meditation For Health Podcast, available at He also co-hosts, with Elizabeth Cappellettti, M.A., the weekly TV and web-show entitled The Holistic Success Show, which can be seen at http://www.HolisticHealth.TV. | Relaxaxtion Music

Addiction Recovery – Preparing For an Alcohol Or Drug Intervention

When family members are gearing up for an intervention to get their loved one into alcohol and/or drug rehab, they tend to be understandably nervous about it. Alcoholics and addicts are not exactly waiting around, biding their time in joyful anticipation of an intervention. They will be angry. There will be resistance. Family members do not have to be reactive to their anger and can stay on task with an intervention if well prepared.

In considering an intervention, you should decide who you want to participate. Ask yourself these questions:
Who has influence on the addict?
Who loves them?
Who does the addict love?
Who does the addict respect?
What the addict most fear the loss of?
Who would be the weak link in doing an intervention?

When considering who will participate in an intervention, you want to make sure that you only invite people who can be on the same page as the other participants. You don’t want someone present in the intervention that will sabotage your efforts. So, it is appropriate to figure out who, on your list, presents themselves as the weakest links. Anyone who would not be able to tell the addict about the negative effects on his/her own life that are associated with the addict’s drinking/using, without waffling, apologizing, or taking it all back under pressure–would be a weak link. An intervention is not a popularity contest. Don’t worry about whether someone will have their feelings hurt because they were not invited. It is not about them. You have a goal. Who can help you achieve that goal?

Do some brainstorming about anticipating some of the objections that your loved one will have about going to treatment at this time. Figure out how to problem solve around those roadblocks before you get to the intervention. Some examples might be that they can’t leave work at this time, that there is no one to care for the kids, that they have no money for treatment, etc.

Remember that an intervention is about caring enough about someone to try to help save his/her life. It is not about punishment. It is not about getting even. It is not about making them straighten up and fly right. It is about getting them the help that they need to not only be able to choose recovery, but to regroup, learn the necessary skills for recovery, and to thrive in his/her life.

If you do not plan to have a professional interventionist present, a person should be designated to be the leader. This person will be responsible for starting off the intervention, by telling the addicted person why they are all there and setting the stage for the intervention participants to read their lists. They should have a script written beforehand or a speech rehearsed. You can use a speech like this:

“We are here because we care about you and know that something has to be done about your drinking/drug use. We all have something that we want to say to you, so please just listen and let us each tell you what we need to say. There will be time for you to make your comments, remarks, and responses after we are finished. Please just listen for now. We are not leaving until we are finished.”

You know your significant other and have a better idea about what would be an appropriate speech to allow the intervention to begin. You should anticipate that s/he will want to bolt before you get started. Address it in your speech (if appropriate).

Your leader should be someone who can stay on target, not take the bait to be derailed or distracted by the interruptions of the addict. This person will be responsible for keeping everyone on task and making sure that the intervention is conducted with respect for the suffering person’s dignity. The leader should remind the addict as needed that whatever s/he is saying may be true, but there will be time to talk about it when everyone is finished.

As each person reads their prepared list, they can make a brief statement about what the afflicted person means to them and that they care about them, that the intervention and the list they are going to read is done with love and concern.

The list should involve examples of the drinking/drugging behavior that has had a negative impact on your life.

Hurt feelings, financial irresponsibility, time and energy spent, self-esteem damage to them or you, fear of job loss (theirs or yours), physical, emotional abuse, safety issues, mental health consequences (i.e., damage from constant worry).

Make simple statements like these:
“When you come home drunk in the middle of the night, I feel scared, hurt, and angry.”
“When you lost your last job because of drinking, I felt frustration, desparate, and hopeless.”
“When you flunked out of college again this semester, I felt angry.”
“When you rage at me, I feel afraid, hurt, and angry.”
“When you ______________, I feel/felt ___________.”

At the end of your list, write out what you are not willing to tolerate in your life. List your bottom line. A bottom line is a boundary that you know that you can keep. Examples:

“If you do not go to inpatient treatment now, I am not willing to continue to live with you.”
“If you do not go to inpatient treatment and stay there until they say you are ready to come home, you cannot come home.”
“If you do not go to inpatient treatment and get the help that you need to stay clean and sober, I am not willing to pay for your car, cell phone, rent, college tuition, etc.”

Don’t say it if you don’t mean it. That makes it a threat instead of a bottom line and threats do not work. They make things worse.

During the intervention, do not argue with the addicted person. Don’t defend you position or your perception or beliefs. Just state it. Don’t over explain it. Don’t respond to their questioning, nit-picking, derailing, or other diversionary attempts. Stay on target. Keep using a “back on task” statement as needed, like “OK, but we can address that when we are finished. Please just listen for now.”

Keep going back to your list. At the end of the list, or at the end of all the lists, each person should state what you want him/her to do. “We want your to go to inpatient treatment. We want you to go today.” If you make the “go to treatment statement” after everyone has finished their list, then go back around the room with bottom lines.

Chances are pretty good that your loved one will try to bargain about where s/he goes to treatment, preferring to go to a psychiatrist, a counselor, an outpatient program, or AA/NA. You probably have a pretty good idea of whether these other options are feasible for the level of the your loved one’s problem. If not, consult with a professional about a different levels of care and your loved one’s addiction. If you believe that inpatient is the appropriate level of care, have a list ready for why you want him/her to go to inpatient treatment. It could involve some of these items:

1. It is the most effective treatment for acute needs.
2. S/he can make the most progress over the shortest amount of time.
3. S/he has said that s/he would quit before, has tried, and has not stayed quit.
4. S/he needs help with detox.
5. S/he needs help with other issues like anger, depression, anxiety, that can be treated at the same time in an environment where his/her whole attention is focused on doing just that.

Tell them that a bed is already reserved at a specific treatment center. If you have two reserved, give him/her a choice. Let him/her know that s/he is expected today, that his/her bags are packed and that they are leaving from here to go to treatment. Tell your significant other that you will be calling and writing letters and offering your support while they are in treatment. They will be fearful about going. Let them know that you love them.

For more information on how to decide which level of care is appropriate for your loved one, sign up for my newsletter that will let you know the release date of my other articles on how to choose a treatment modality. | Relaxaxtion Music

Yoga For Recovery

Do you yoga? Do you yoga beyond the mat? Do you realize that yoga is a gateway to connect you with your heart’s desire and life purpose?

Being in recovery from drugs, alcohol and eating disorders, I am very familiar with being disconnected from my body and rooted in shame and fear and all the feelings that made me feel powerless and out of control. I knew how to feel bad and yoga taught me how to feel better and to create radiance. Perhaps what the world needs now is a few more people walking around with open hearts.

Until we come inside and practice deep breathing, being in recovery can be a painful experience. If you are looking around for what might be wrong, it is not possible that you are breathing deep. Yoga helps you to reclaim your life by breathing through the anxiety, the fear of being out of control, and brings you back inside, where all is well and life is taking place one breath at a time.

Yoga is grounding. Yoga is rooted in compassion and fulfills a mission that feels larger than one’s self-pity, story, or limitations. Yoga teaches you to breathe deeply through the pain, to process the emotions and to get you into action, to releace and let go and out of your own way. Yoga helps you to cultivate inner peace, to go within to harness the flow of radiant well-being, and to feel grounded in your body.

If you are struggling with an addiction, or in some phase of recovery, you may be familiar with the sensation of resistance or sabotaging. Do you think you were breathing when you chose to go against your body, or when you allow the thoughts to come in that tell you there is something wrong, do you think your heart is truly open and available then? Yoga clears those thoughts, the sacred practice of yoga asanas are a roadmap to clear away the cobwebs, to loosen the internal knots and to create space for positive development.

Waller McInnes is a life coach, writer, yoga and meditation instructor and founder of Create Radiance–offering coaching, customized meditations, classes, workshops and guidance to awaken to your life and shine. Her services and products are designed to relax the Body, release the Mind and restore the Soul. Visit for more information and her blog for inspiring ways to follow your inner vision. | Relaxaxtion Music

Rehab Programs For Drug Addiction – Staying Clean After Recovery

When it comes to drug rehab programs one of the major goals that they will stress is that their job is to keep a client in the program until they are medically cleared to leave. This is mainly so that the drug rehab center can keep the client in the program long enough to help them begin the process of addiction recovery. There are many drug rehab programs that have begun to treat more than just the addiction and have started to also treat the underlying issues or comorbidities as well. Many rehab centers have started doing this because the underlying issues can be some of the hardest obstacles to get past in order to help a patient or client actually begin addiction recovery.

For example – If a patient is trying to sit through a 12 step meeting, an individual session, or even a group session and they are suffering from panic attacks on a regular basis, then they cannot concentrate on what they are supposed to be learning in the session. This is completely keeping them from getting the treatment they need and they will not be able to get to the recovery stage if the panic attacks are not first addressed.

Since many clients of drug rehab programs suffer from ADHD, ADD, anxiety, headaches, depression, and insomnia, many centers for rehab have began to use neurotherapy as a part of their process to deal with these illnesses. It has been proven that neurotherapy can reduce anxiety and stress so that the patients have a better chance at recovery from their addiction.

It is not easy to become sober when you have been addicted to a drug or many drugs for many years. It is a very stressful task and it is something that will take effort, time, and support. There are many new methods of treatment that have been discovered and are being used to help patients cope with the addiction they are fighting and have proven that more recovering drug addicts are able to stay with the Addiction Treatment Recovery well after they have made it into the recovery stage.

Seek out a lot more details at | Relaxaxtion Music

California offers great drug addiction recovery programs for men

Drugs, alcohol and tobacco are modern evils that strike the mindset of many men, especially in the stressed world we currently live in. Some of the best California drug treatment centers provide the most effective addiction programs in the country that in the past helped many people suffering from this anti social habit. Drug rehabilitation is an important step for men and the centers possess the expertise and infrastructure to effectively care for the patients and help them recover from their addictions. Expert staff of such centers constitutes counselors, nursing professionals, therapist, medical specialists, psychiatrists and other paramedics who can help the addicts work towards complete recovery. The centers provide post treatment programs and advice on how to maintain a safe distance from addiction even after leaving the rehabilitation center. This is one of the most important follow up activity of the rehab system in this sector.

Addicts indulging in drugs or alcohol may not always grasp the full significance of the rehabilitation centers and their relatives or family must guide them to accept the treatment in a serious way. Therefore the centers publish useful information on the websites to be read by the family of addicts. Detoxification is the aim and sobriety the long term desire for the treated persons that these centers advocate and counsel. The methods used are time proven and the environment very congenial to rapid recovery. A strict regimen is followed to habituate the patient in changing his life towards the better and recover from the after effects of alcohol or drugs.

The system in rehab centers not only provides drug treatment for men but also ensures that the recovered patients continue their association with the centers by remaining in close touch with the staff and attending periodic “pep up” meetings or alumni parties for helping other addicts overcome their weaknesses. This philosophy helps in giving a very high success rate in treating all forms of addictions and turning around the weak addicted men into strong willed individuals who can again cope up with the rigors of life. One must spend some time in reading through several testimonials and experiences of patients and their families to fully comprehend the good work being done by the drug or addiction rehab centers. | Relaxaxtion Music

The Best Music For Meditation

You can meditate with or without background noises but there are recorded tracks specifically produced as music for meditation. Anyone can learn how to meditate though a soothing track can make it easier and more interesting. Sounds for meditating should be soothing and calming. It should make you feel peaceful and help transport you to a calming environment. Regular or popular songs are not designed for you to meditate with as they can be jarring and create chaos. It is highly recommended that you use music specifically recorded for the purpose when meditating.

The most popular tunes use the Tibetan singing bow, tambora, flute and sitar. These instruments are favored as they use low extended tones that are repeated frequently. When using music for meditation you should not be doing any other activities except meditating. You want to focus on the sounds you hear to get the full benefits of the experience. This will also help you enjoy and receive the most benefits form the music.

The sounds used for these melodies are designed to integrate the body and mind and was first developed in India as the practice originated with the Hindu religion. The music will help you enhance your meditation by bringing mental clarity, strength and even bliss. Natural sounds such as water running, forest sounds and wind are also commonly used.

Music for meditating can be found at your local record store as well as available online. You may be able to download specific tracks or entire albums if you so desire. If you are unsure of where to look there are pages that recommend specific tracks for you to use or you can simply perform a search. There are artists that specifically record music for meditation so once you find the right section your will have plenty of choices.

To discover the best music for meditation just click here | Relaxaxtion Music

How To Meditate Using Music

Music and Meditation

Quietening the mind is what we do in meditation. By meditation, we basically mean going from ordinary, simple, mundane consciousness to a higher level, more peaceful state of mind. Music can help us achieve that state faster and in a more soothing way. At start, beginners might feel like it’s impossible to meditate by controlling your thought process. Through regular practice, tips and various techniques, it is possible.
Breath awareness and breathing meditations are one of the best ways to start meditation. it helps the mind to concentrate and relax. At times, when the mind is very restless; perhaps after a busy schedule, that is where Music can play a great role to help us reach that stage of meditation.

Tips to Music Meditation

Music can help you drown out unwanted noises which tend to disturb when you sit down for meditation. It’s not necessary to hike out over high hills to meditate; if you are focused enough, meditation can be done in the midst of a busy day. This hindrance can be easily overcome by meditative music. it cuts out the noise and helps you easily focus on your meditation..

Music plays a great role in controlling our state of mind by soothing our emotions. Choosing the right kind of music is also very important while doing meditation. The right kind of music for your meditation will rise your energy, aspirations and make you more receptive.
As said by Sri Chinmoy, “Each time we hear soulful music, we get inspiration and delight. In the twinkling of an eye, music can elevate our consciousness.”

Music, Meditation, and Obligations

In general,
Music touches and soothes people’s souls and improves moods. It also brings light into a dark life which is why music holds great importance in religious ceremonies, devotions, and meditations.

Today’s modern world has polluted the atmosphere with infinite frequencies and noises; way too much for a person to start meditating unless you are locked in a room away from all the outside noises.

How and Where to Meditate

Once you have gotten the taste of Musical Meditation and its benefits, you can soothe into it anytime, anywhere you want. But of course, just like any other thing in this world, dedication and discipline is required in everything.

The Lifesurfing Program at Inner Metamorphosis University (I M U) offers numerous ways and correct approaches to help you discover the right meditation technique and provide you inner peace of mind. Lifesurfing Program Meditation is a state of a vibrant, wakeful inner quietness, which is the basis for inner freedom, joy and celebration. | Relaxaxtion Music

Treatment options for addiction recovery

The problem of drug addiction is one of the worst situations that any human being can suffer in their life. However, if you or any one of your friends or family gets addicted to drugs the best option available then is to seek the aid of an Affordable Rehab Center. However, to find a reliable facility where one can get the best drug rehabilitation one of the best means is to browse the internet and choose one of the Affordable Rehab Centers for the better treatment for the addiction problems. In fact there are many people who gets admitted to these rehab centers each year to start up a new life completely free of addiction. It is a well known fact that with the proper choice of the rehab center is the most crucial factor for the availability of the best treatment facility.

However, it is always common fact that the treatment for drug addiction is often quite costly and may prove to be quite difficult for several people to afford. And for that the choice of the Affordable Rehab Centers is the most preferable option. However, along with these it is also a fact that the initial stage of drug detox is often quite painful and therefore it is essential for the treatment center to provide proper treatment for depression and anxiety as well along with the physical drug detox. De-addiction is a difficult process. The withdrawal from drugs can be painful and very difficult to handle. But with the right help and preparation, you will be able to face the barriers that come along during the recovery process. For this, you need the help of a reliable healthcare institution. You can browse the internet to choose a trusted and professional institution for this task. With their help, you can be assured of acquiring a changed and a liberated personality.

In fact while making the choice of the rehab center these factors should always be kept in mind and paid proper attention to that. Besides that it should also be kept in mind that California rehab centers are some of the best addiction recovery centers to be found around the world. It should be kept in mind while making the choice of the rehab center for your loved ones. There are in fact certain points to consider in this respect. First of all it should be noted that not all rehab center are meant for every kind of patients and therefore it is essential to get the proper choice of the rehab center in order to get the best treatment facility available. Other than that before choosing the rehab center enquiry must be made of the treatment procedure being followed in that specific rehab center. Other than that it should also be kept in mind that providing just physical drug detox is never enough, proper psychological treatment is also equally essential in order to get the best treatment facility for the addicted. If you can keep all these factors in mind and pay proper attention in choosing the rehab center it is much easier to get the best treatment for the addiction patients.

Seek the aid of Drug Rehabilitation California or Rehab In Los Angeles to get the best help with Young Adult Drug Rehab. | Relaxaxtion Music

Meditation – A State Of Mind

Among the most common questions asked about the art and science of meditation would be “what is it?” Such a question is not always easy to answer. While meditation is a relatively simple process in concept, there are still great complexities which lie under the surface. Granted, the simple process of listening to Osho music while allowing your mind to drift into emptiness can help you gain all the valuable benefits from meditation without having to seriously ponder a roadmap for proper performance. However, you could ponder on the musings of Sri Sri Ravi Shankar as this could greatly help you get the most out of your meditation sessions.

Ultimately, the answer to “What is meditation?” would be that it is a state of mind that ironically uses emptiness in though to help attain a far greater awareness of the self. Often, that which exists deep in the subconscious can be brought to the surface through quiet meditation sessions revolving around listening passively to Osho music.

There are also excellent techniques which have commonly been employed as a way of increasing the potential value gained from taking part in meditation sessions. Among the ways you can improve your sessions would be to perform deep breathing exercises or adding chants to the meditation sessions. Common chants performed by Sri Sri Ravi Shankar could be weaved into the mix to enhance the value of the process such as the album a gift of silence from the sacredmusicguide website.

For those who are interested in learning the basics of effective meditation, the ancient scripture Vigyan Bhairav is a tremendous source which presents 112 techniques which can expand your ability to get a great deal out of your sessions. While the techniques presented in the scripture will not provide the definitive insight into what is meditation but it will certainly provide a great deal of food for thought in terms of what it entails. Adding Osho music to the mix can further enhance your understanding and help you gain value from it.

Ultimately, defining what meditation is would not be as important as getting all the great benefits from it.

The moment you put the mind aside, you have entered into the world of meditation. –  Osho

Be total in everything that you do or do not do. Be total — then your whole life becomes a meditation. – Osho

This is a one-stop source of the very best in devotional song of India. This covers listing of albums of Sanskrit hymns & chanting music as well Yoga and meditation music. | Relaxaxtion Music

Benefits of Meditation Maya

Hi guys its Maya,

Meditation to most people is one of those things which sound nice, is interesting at first, but does not have enough pull to get one really excited. Using a particular meditation to help you relax for 10 minutes seems enough, there doesn’t seem to be any more to it. Some people try visualisations, or even give a Vipassana retreat a go, but on the whole, unless you are a diehard spiritual seeker who has had much pain and discontent in your life, meditation is one of those things that you look at, are curious about, but turn from getting too caught up in.

I think this is because the benefits of meditation have not been discussed enough – and when it is discussed it seems to be spoken of in terms of – freedom from illusion, or mind, liberation from the body or samsara, and as interesting as that is – it doesn’t really sell the idea, the terms are too abstract. Unless you are caught in a corner with nowhere else to go, unless you are withstanding some crisis, pain or disillusionment, you do not have what is necessary to persevere with it, til you can see why people indulge and recommend it.

People also I think can get caught up in the surrounding philosophy and related fields, such as the psychic domain and this leads people into the future rather than working with what is happening now. Meditation next to future possibilities seems a little backward, colourless, or mundane. So it becomes easy to see why so many gravitate to clairvoyance and related fields the whole time dabbling only minimally with meditation.

When one first begins meditation, visualisations or some focus may be used, and the idea is to follow and stay with the particular focus or imagery – rather than get swept back into the thought dance that just follows associations around and around.

As new meditators do not even realise that they are getting swept back into their thought dance at times, or even consistently throughout the meditation they cannot feel or sense what lies in between their thoughts. So the experience may be only so – so. Or if they are aware that they are getting caught back up in the music of the thought dance, they seem powerless against it, it seems hopeless.

If one is able to persevere through all this, and actually continue to meditate and reach beyond the thought dance, they then may encounter an experience they cannot explain with their mind which scares them, they for a moment lose contact with the world around them everything they know and love, and something else penetrates, and perhaps penetrates too deeply, thus scaring them away. Or they encounter some repressed emotion from a previous time, this overwhelms them, overcomes them, and easily waylays their interest in the field.

There are then many obstacles to meditation which could easily derail even the best of intentions – and at the end of the day, it is normally only when people are backed into a corner of pain or disillusionment that they feel and know the necessity of remaining with this technique.

I am here to let you know that you do not need to be amidst the grip of depression, stress or meaninglessness to find solace and comfort within meditation – for meditation offers much bliss, a greater sense of purpose, and a wonderful ability to connect with life, with what really matters and easily restores your faith in the goodness of life, and of being. Meditation will enable you to lever yourself up above the layer of thought in your mind so that you are not as swayed by them, you can see and feel them more clearly, and even though they are still there, still attempting to sway you into moods, and actions and behaviours, you have a far better ability to withstand them, and instead see their fleeting foundation, and powerlessness.

While the thoughts in your mind remain a type of God voice, an authority, you will never have the clarity to see that behind the impressive boom box voice of the wizard is just a little man hiding behind a curtain who is insecure. This ultimately is why people indulge meditation, this is the immediate ultimate and most effective initial aim. This will deepen with time, to bring forward greater experience and reverence for life, appreciation and connection. But if you can sense the benefit of being able to have control over your thoughts rather than allowing each and every thought to move and motivate you – just the sense of power and insight that comes from this, induces intense bliss, a sense of freedom like you have never known, and an authentic optimism and appreciation.

When you can look at your thoughts and not feel compelled into action as a result, when you can see your sadness and anger but not fall into them and let them invade and influence you, you have significantly altered your life path for the better, right up until your death bed. No one can take this from you, they can try, they can isolate, persecute, condemn or try and manipulate you, but the link between you and their words are broken, just as you can see the futility of your own thoughts, so too can you see more penetratingly into theirs. Thus leaving you free to consider their actions, behaviours, or coercions without needing to give in and follow them, refute or rebel against them, for you see so clearly the weightlessness of their intent.

This certainly makes meditation worth looking at again, yes? If so please sign up for the free ‘Opening Your Heart Centre’ course that I scribe from Mother Mary – at my site…..

Welcome to Maya’s Spiritual Messages – A Web Site for Stress Management and spiritual growth. Learn to manage change and stress while Searching for Soul for your best attitude. | Relaxaxtion Music